[j:intel-iotg][PULL][SRU] Enable Time Coordinated Compute interface driver

Philip Cox philip.cox at canonical.com
Wed Apr 19 16:04:58 UTC 2023

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2012755

[Impact]Enable Time Coordinated Compute interface driver.

This is pulling in a set of patches to enable the TCC interface driver in
the intel-iotg kernel.

[Test Case]
I've tested the kernel, and didn't hit any regressions, and it will be
thoroughly tested by QA once it is available in the PPA.

[Where Problems Could Occur]
The changes needed to be back ported rather than cherry-picked, and the
logic, or the underlying data structures may be different. Some of the
changes also removed code that was added in previous commits, so I had to
make sure the logic was correct after all the commits were applied.  I
tried to resolve these changes and keep the intended logic intact.
The following changes since commit 213964175de847f2bd73519ff8b055108b1e3b2c:

  igc: Add support for Frame Preemption verification (2023-04-19 09:52:22

are available in the Git repository at:

  git://git.launchpad.net/~philcox/+git/lp2012755 philcox/lp2012755

for you to fetch changes up to 900672bb3984f9ae4198ed7f7b1f734b6a8181e1:

  tcc: rounding possible non page-aligned ssram address (2023-04-19
11:58:20 -0400)

Qiang Rao (6):
      tcc: driver should exit if no psram entry found in PTCT.
      tcc: tcc drvier should not exit even if no psram entry.
      Add new IOCTL to read error log buffer.
      Display errlog buffer raw data in kernel log as requested once this
driver is loaded.
      Fix issue found in acrn uos when convert cacheid to apicid.
      tcc: rounding possible non page-aligned ssram address

 arch/x86/kernel/acpi/boot.c | 9 +++++++++
 drivers/tcc/tcc_buffer.c    | 5 +++--
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
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