A new SRU cycle started...

Stefan Bader stefan.bader at canonical.com
Mon Apr 3 12:51:06 UTC 2023

Delays in releasing the 2023.02.27 cycle have lead to starting pre-
parations for the new cycle mostly in the week of 27th March. There
is also a lot of onboarding going on which currently slows down the
speed of producing kernels.
For those reasons we decided to extend the current cycle to 4 weeks.


cycle: 20-Mar through 16-Apr (4 weeks)
         15-Mar   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle.
20-Mar - 31-Mar   Kernel prep week.
03-Apr - 14-Apr   Bug verification & Regression testing.
 Week of 17-Apr   Release to -updates.

Kernel Versions
    linux:               5.19.0-40.41
    linux:               5.15.0-70.77
    linux-hwe-5.19:      5.19.0-40.41~22.04.1
    linux:               5.4.0-147.164
    linux-hwe-5.15:      5.15.0-70.77~20.04.1(*)
    linux:               4.15.0-209.220
    linux-hwe-5.4:       5.4.0-147.164~18.04.1(**)

(*)  Not in proposed, yet
(**) Not prepared, yet

cycle: 17-Apr through 07-May (3 weeks)
         12-Apr   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle.
17-Apr - 21-Apr   Kernel prep week.
24-Apr - 05-May   Bug verification & Regression testing.
 Week of 08-May   Release to -updates.

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