[SRU][F][J][aws][cherry-pick] dev file system is mounted without nosuid on aws

Dave Chiluk chiluk at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 7 15:16:16 UTC 2022

The security team asked that I mark it as a Security ticket late last
night until they have a better chance to review it.

The text of the bug basically comes down to this.  The dev file system
is mounted without nosuid or noexec when on aws.  This is because the
aws images boot via an initramfs-less mechanism.  This causes the
default in-kernel init to be run.  This mounts dev without the
required options.  When systemd starts it does not re-mount /dev with
the proper options like
it probably should.  The few userspace workarounds I tried failed.
The proper fix as I see it is really this kernel commit.

This was discovered when running

The reason this matters is that without nosuid and noexec people could
use /dev to escalate privileges.  One possible scenario might include
using containers. I'm sure the security team probably can come up with
even scarier scenarios.  Either way it's best practice to have those
mount options set.

I was hoping to do some testing of this today, but from what I
remember building the aws specific kernels is not straightforward and
a bunch of you have hand-built scripts to make that happen.  If you
supply/wiki-fy instructions for building the aws kernel, I'll try to
do some actual testing today.  Really testing is pretty simple once
you have a kernel built in that you boot it and check for nosuid and
noexec on /dev.



On Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at 8:25 AM Tim Gardner <tim.gardner at canonical.com> wrote:
> On 10/7/22 07:17, Tim Gardner wrote:
> > On 10/6/22 17:03, Dave Chiluk wrote:
> >> Please cherry-pick 28f0c335d from Linus's tree.  It was applied to
> >> 5.17.  Please take care to set DEVTMPFS_SAFE=y in the config file.
> >>
> >> This is a security regression from when aws instances started booting
> >> initramfs-less.  Any other kernel that is booting initramfs-less will
> >> likely hit this as well.
> >>
> >> For machines that have an initramfs this is not an issue as the
> >> initramfs:main/init mounts devtmpfs with the correct options.
> >>
> >> I mostly only care about focal and jammy -aws kernels (which I suspect
> >> are both 5.15. It applies cleanly to 5.15, and should be a
> >> straightforward backport to any others that you deem appropriate.
> >>
> >> I welcome discussion as to the necessity of this as /dev is still
> >> owned by root:root.  Regardless, it's definitely not best security
> >> practice, and I'm sure someone smarter than me can figure out a way to
> >> exploit it.
> >>
> >> WARNING: I also haven't tested this yet as I do not know how to build
> >> a -aws flavored kernel and would really appreciate instructions on how
> >> to do so (building any other flavor likely won't be able to reproduce
> >> since it'll require the initramfs for boot).  I also wanted to get
> >> this out to you as a lot of you are in Europe and can respond while
> >> I'm sleeping.
> >>
> >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1991975
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Dave Chiluk.
> >> p.s. Hey folks it's been far too long, let's get a beer next time you
> >> are in my neck of the woods!
> >>
> >
> > Hi Dave - that doesn't seem to be a valid LP bug number.
> >
> Or maybe its marked private ? At any rate, I can't see it.
> rtg
> --
> -----------
> Tim Gardner
> Canonical, Inc

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