[ACT][PATCH] UBUNTU: SAUCE: ubuntu_performance_iperf3: Fix rounding

Ian May ian.may at canonical.com
Fri Sep 3 19:58:08 UTC 2021

Using 'scale' with the 'bc' command will not round for
decimal precision.  Using 'printf' does provide rounding.
We currently use both together, so remove 'scale' to allow
for proper rounding.

Signed-off-by: Ian May <ian.may at canonical.com>
 .../ubuntu_iperf3_test.sh                     | 34 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ubuntu_performance_iperf3/ubuntu_iperf3_test.sh b/ubuntu_performance_iperf3/ubuntu_iperf3_test.sh
index 1227114a..b4c78baa 100755
--- a/ubuntu_performance_iperf3/ubuntu_iperf3_test.sh
+++ b/ubuntu_performance_iperf3/ubuntu_iperf3_test.sh
@@ -215,57 +215,57 @@ do_iteration() {
 		for log in "${logfiles[@]}"; do
 			bps=$(jq -r '.end.sum_received.bits_per_second' "${log}")
-			printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_instance%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${i}" "${direction}" "receiver_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${bps}/1000000")
+			printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_instance%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${i}" "${direction}" "receiver_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "${bps}/1000000")
 			bps_rx=("${bps_rx[@]}" "$bps")
 			bps_rx_tot=$(bc -l <<< "$bps_rx_tot + $bps")
 			let ++i
-		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "receiver_total" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${bps_rx_tot}/1000000")
+		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "receiver_total" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "${bps_rx_tot}/1000000")
 		for log in "${logfiles[@]}"; do
 		        bps=$(jq -r '.end.sum_sent.bits_per_second' "${log}")
-			printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_instance%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${i}" "${direction}" "sender_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${bps}/1000000")
+			printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_instance%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${i}" "${direction}" "sender_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "${bps}/1000000")
 			bps_tx=("${bps_tx[@]}" "$bps")
 			bps_tx_tot=$(bc -l <<< "$bps_tx_tot + $bps")
 			let ++i
-		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "sender_total" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${bps_tx_tot}/1000000")
+		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "sender_total" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "${bps_tx_tot}/1000000")
 		avg_bps_tx=$(bc -l <<< "$bps_tx_tot/${#bps_tx[@]}")
 		avg_bps_rx=$(bc -l <<< "$bps_rx_tot/${#bps_rx[@]}")
 		min_bps_tx=$(echo "${bps_tx[*]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -nr | tail -n1)
 		min_bps_rx=$(echo "${bps_rx[*]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -nr | tail -n1)
 		max_bps_tx=$(echo "${bps_tx[*]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -nr | head -n1)
 		max_bps_rx=$(echo "${bps_rx[*]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -nr | head -n1)
-		err_bps_tx=$(bc -l <<< "scale=5; ($max_bps_tx-$min_bps_tx)/$avg_bps_tx*100")
-		err_bps_rx=$(bc -l <<< "scale=5; ($max_bps_rx-$min_bps_rx)/$avg_bps_rx*100")
+		err_bps_tx=$(printf "%.5f" $(bc -l <<< "($max_bps_tx-$min_bps_tx)/$avg_bps_tx*100"))
+		err_bps_rx=$(printf "%.5f" $(bc -l <<< "($max_bps_rx-$min_bps_rx)/$avg_bps_rx*100"))
 		# Max throughput for Mellanox nic on DGX2 is 100G, 
-		expected_throughput=$(bc -l <<< "scale=5; 100000000000*0.90")
+		expected_throughput=$(printf "%.5f" $(bc -l <<< "100000000000*0.90"))
 		# Sender information
-		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_minimum[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "sender_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${min_bps_tx}/1000000")
-		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_maximum[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "sender_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${max_bps_tx}/1000000")
-		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_average[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "sender_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${avg_bps_tx}/1000000")
+		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_minimum[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "sender_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "${min_bps_tx}/1000000")
+		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_maximum[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "sender_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "${max_bps_tx}/1000000")
+		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_average[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "sender_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "${avg_bps_tx}/1000000")
 		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_maximum_error[%d] %.2f%%\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "sender_rate" "${iteration}" "${err_bps_tx}"
 		# Sum of Mbps rates for all instances of iperf3 should be 
 		# greater than 90% of expected throughput.
 		if (( $(echo "${expected_throughput} > ${bps_tx_tot}" | bc -l) )); then
-			printf "FAIL: average bitrate of %.2f Mbit/sec by is less than minimum threshold of %.2f Mbit/sec\n" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${bps_tx_tot}/1000000") $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${expected_throughput}/1000000")
+			printf "FAIL: average bitrate of %.2f Mbit/sec by is less than minimum threshold of %.2f Mbit/sec\n" $(bc -l <<< "${bps_tx_tot}/1000000") $(bc -l <<< "${expected_throughput}/1000000")
-			printf "bitrate of %.2f Mbit/sec is greater than minimum threshold of %.2f Mbit/sec\n" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${bps_tx_tot}/1000000") $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${expected_throughput}/1000000")
+			printf "bitrate of %.2f Mbit/sec is greater than minimum threshold of %.2f Mbit/sec\n" $(bc -l <<< "${bps_tx_tot}/1000000") $(bc -l <<< "${expected_throughput}/1000000")
 			printf "%s\n" "PASS: test passes specified performance thresholds"
 		# Receiver information
-		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_minimum[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "receiver_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${min_bps_rx}/1000000")
-		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_maximum[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "receiver_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${max_bps_rx}/1000000")
-		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_average[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "receiver_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${avg_bps_rx}/1000000")
+		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_minimum[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "receiver_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "${min_bps_rx}/1000000")
+		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_maximum[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "receiver_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "${max_bps_rx}/1000000")
+		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_average[%d] %.2f\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "receiver_rate" "${iteration}" $(bc -l <<< "${avg_bps_rx}/1000000")
 		printf "iperf3_%s_clients%d_%s_%s_mbit_per_sec_maximum_error[%d] %.2f%%\n" "${config_title}" "${iperf3_instances}" "${direction}" "receiver_rate" "${iteration}" "${err_bps_rx}"
 		# Sum of Mbps rates for all instances of iperf3 should be 
 		# greater than 90% of expected throughput.
 		if (( $(echo "${expected_throughput} > ${bps_rx_tot}" | bc -l) )); then
-			printf "FAIL: average bitrate of %.2f Mbit/sec by is less than minimum threshold of %.2f Mbit/sec\n" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${bps_rx_tot}/1000000") $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${expected_throughput}/1000000")
+			printf "FAIL: average bitrate of %.2f Mbit/sec by is less than minimum threshold of %.2f Mbit/sec\n" $(bc -l <<< "${bps_rx_tot}/1000000") $(bc -l <<< "${expected_throughput}/1000000")
-			printf "bitrate of %.2f Mbit/sec is greater than minimum threshold of %.2f Mbit/sec\n" $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${bps_rx_tot}/1000000") $(bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${expected_throughput}/1000000")
+			printf "bitrate of %.2f Mbit/sec is greater than minimum threshold of %.2f Mbit/sec\n" $(bc -l <<< "${bps_rx_tot}/1000000") $(bc -l <<< "${expected_throughput}/1000000")
 			printf "%s\n" "PASS: test passes specified performance thresholds"

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