[B,F,I][PATCH 1/2] UBUNTU: [Packaging] Add a new fips-checks script

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com
Mon Oct 4 14:21:27 UTC 2021


Since this is intended for master kernels, how about generalizing the 
nomenclature ? For example, instead of do_fips_checks, how about 
do_justification_checks ? And debian/scripts/misc/fips-checks --> 
debian/scripts/misc/justification-checks ? I know this is likely to only 
ever be used for FIPS, but you never know.


On 10/4/21 7:35 AM, Marcelo Henrique Cerri wrote:
> BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1945989
> Add a new script responsible for checking if any FIPS relevant commit
> was added since the last version. If a new change is found, a
> corresponding entry should exist in the justifications file otherwise
> the check will fail.
> The justifications file is located at "${DEBIAN}/fips.justifications"
> and should follow the following format for each commit justification:
> <commit short message>
>    <commit justification>
> Signed-off-by: Marcelo Henrique Cerri <marcelo.cerri at canonical.com>
> ---
>   debian/scripts/misc/fips-checks | 138 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>   1 file changed, 138 insertions(+)
>   create mode 100755 debian/scripts/misc/fips-checks
> diff --git a/debian/scripts/misc/fips-checks b/debian/scripts/misc/fips-checks
> new file mode 100755
> index 000000000000..9dadd3939a62
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/debian/scripts/misc/fips-checks
> @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
> +#!/bin/bash -eu
> +export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
> +
> +usage() {
> +	cat << EOF
> +Usage: ${P:-$(basename "$0")} [-h|--help]
> +
> +Check if there are any FIPS relevant changes since the last
> +release. Any change that is identified should have a justification in
> +the justifications file or the check will fail.
> +
> +Optional arguments:
> +  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
> +  -p, --previous        Version to use as the previous base version.
> +  -c, --current         Version to use as the current base version.
> +
> +EOF
> +}
> +
> +prev_base_version=
> +curr_base_version=
> +crypto_files=( crypto arch/x86/crypto drivers/char/random.c lib/sha\* )
> +
> +c_red='\033[0;31m'
> +c_green='\033[0;32m'
> +c_off='\033[0m'
> +
> +# Parse arguments
> +while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
> +	case "$1" in
> +		-h|--help)
> +			usage
> +			exit 0
> +			;;
> +		-p|--previous)
> +			shift
> +			prev_base_version="$1"
> +			;;
> +		-c|--current)
> +			shift
> +			curr_base_version="$1"
> +			;;
> +		*)
> +			usage
> +			exit 1
> +			;;
> +	esac
> +	shift
> +done
> +
> +# shellcheck disable=SC1091
> +. debian/debian.env
> +
> +# Check if the "$DEBIAN" directory exists.
> +if [ ! -d "$DEBIAN" ]; then
> +	echo "You must run this script from the top directory of this repository."
> +	exit 1
> +fi
> +
> +CONF="$DEBIAN/etc/update.conf"
> +if [ ! -f "$CONF" ]; then
> +	echo "Missing file: $CONF"
> +	exit 1
> +fi
> +# shellcheck disable=SC1090
> +. "$CONF"
> +
> +if [ "$DEBIAN_MASTER" = "" ]; then
> +	echo "DEBIAN_MASTER should be defined either in $DEBIAN/etc/update.conf or the environment"
> +	exit 1
> +fi
> +
> +# Find the base kernel version use by the previous version
> +if [ -z "$prev_base_version" ]; then
> +	offset=1
> +	# Loop through each entry of the current changelog, searching for an
> +	# entry that refers to the master version used as base (ie a line
> +	# containing "[ Ubuntu: 4.15.0-39.42 ]"):
> +	while true; do
> +		changes=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -l"$DEBIAN/changelog" -SChanges -c1 -o"$offset")
> +		if ! [ "$changes" ]; then
> +			echo "Failed to retrieve base master version from changelog file: $DEBIAN/changelog"
> +			exit 1
> +		fi
> +		prev_base_version=$(echo "$changes" | sed -n -r -e '/^\s.*\[ Ubuntu: ([~0-9.-]*) \]$/{s//\1/p;q}')
> +		[ "$prev_base_version" ] && break
> +		offset=$(( offset + 1 ))
> +	done
> +	if [ -z "${prev_base_version}" ]; then
> +		echo "Failed to retrieve base version from previous version from changelog: $DEBIAN/changelog"
> +		exit 1
> +	fi
> +fi
> +
> +# Find the current base kernel version
> +if [ -z "$curr_base_version" ]; then
> +	curr_base_version=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -l"${DEBIAN_MASTER}/changelog" -SVersion)
> +	if ! [ "$curr_base_version" ]; then
> +		echo "Failed to retrieve current master version from changelog: $DEBIAN_MASTER/changelog"
> +		exit 1
> +	fi
> +fi
> +
> +# Check base kernel tags
> +tag_prefix="Ubuntu-${DEBIAN_MASTER#debian.}-"
> +prev_tag="${tag_prefix}${prev_base_version}"
> +curr_tag="${tag_prefix}${curr_base_version}"
> +for tag in "$prev_tag" "$curr_tag"; do
> +	if ! git rev-parse --verify "$tag" &> /dev/null; then
> +		echo "Missing tag \"$tag\". Please fetch tags from base kernel."
> +		exit 1
> +	fi
> +done
> +
> +# Check all the changes
> +fails=0
> +justifications_file="$DEBIAN/fips.justifications"
> +justifications=$(grep -P '^[^#\s]' "$justifications_file" 2> /dev/null || true)
> +while read -r id; do
> +	short_msg=$(git log --format=%s --max-count=1 "$id")
> +	if echo "$justifications" | grep -q -x -F "$short_msg"; then
> +		echo -e "${c_green}OK${c_off}   | ${id::12} ${short_msg}"
> +		continue
> +	fi
> +	echo -e "${c_red}FAIL${c_off} | ${id::12} ${short_msg}"
> +	fails=$(( fails + 1 ))
> +done < <(git rev-list "${prev_tag}..${curr_tag}" -- "${crypto_files[@]}")
> +
> +echo
> +if [ "$fails" -gt 0 ]; then
> +	echo "FIPS relevant changes were found without justification: ${fails} change(s)."
> +	echo "Please, check the commits above and update the file \"${justifications_file}\"."
> +	exit 1
> +fi
> +
> +echo "Check completed without errors."
> +exit 0

Tim Gardner
Canonical, Inc

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