Ubuntu 20.04: linux-image: Versions >5.4.0-42: Nasty problem with ext4 inode quota

Kraus, Sebastian sebastian.kraus at tu-berlin.de
Tue Nov 30 23:55:19 UTC 2021

Hi Stefan,

thanks for your answer and the suggestions. In this case, shame on me, operator gone rogue. I simply forgot to install the additional linux-modules-extra package, which ships the required quota modules. Unfortunately, the error message by itself is not self-expalantory (cf. https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/linux-ext4/patch/20200215012738.565735-1-tytso@mit.edu/). 

Best and Regards


Sebastian Kraus

Institut für Chemie
Straße des 17. Juni 115

Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät II
Institut für Chemie
Sekretariat C3
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin

Email: sebastian.kraus at tu-berlin.de

From: Stefan Bader <stefan.bader at canonical.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 09:31
To: Kraus, Sebastian; kernel-team at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: Ubuntu 20.04: linux-image: Versions >5.4.0-42: Nasty problem with ext4 inode quota

On 29.11.21 21:26, Kraus, Sebastian wrote:
> Dear Ubuntu kernel team,
> I am operating an setup with three HPC nodes using Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) OS. Unfortunately, beginning with kernel image packages higher than version 5.4.0-42, I experience the nasty bug, that ext4 file systems with inode quota cannot be mounted anymore. E2fsck does not tell me about any corruptions regarding the ext4 file system with inode quota. However, the ext4 code within kernel bails out as follows:
> EXT4-fs warning (device dm-2): ext4_enable_quotas:6471: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=0, err=-3). Please run e2fsck to fix
> Have some file system features been deleted from within the ext4 module of newer kernel versions? Help greatly appreciated.

Please open a Launchpad bug report about this by running "ubuntu-bug linux" on
one of the systems showing the problem. Ideally after the mount attempt. This
will automatically collect additional information that allows to do further


> Thanks and Best
> Sebastian Kraus
> _______________________
> Dipl.-Chem.
> Sebastian Kraus
> IT-Abteilung
> Institut für Chemie
> Straße des 17. Juni 115
> Technische Universität Berlin
> Fakultät II
> Institut für Chemie
> Sekretariat C3
> Straße des 17. Juni 135
> 10623 Berlin
> Email: sebastian.kraus at tu-berlin.de

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