[UNSTABLE][PATCH 1/2] UBUNTU: [Packaging] Drop unused d-i build-deps and packaging

Dimitri John Ledkov dimitri.ledkov at canonical.com
Mon Nov 8 13:32:37 UTC 2021

Unused since 20.04.1 release, and no udebs are built in Ubuntu since
21.04 release.

Signed-off-by: Dimitri John Ledkov <dimitri.ledkov at canonical.com>
 debian.master/control.d/flavour-control.stub | 10 ---
 debian.master/control.stub.in                |  2 -
 debian/rules                                 | 35 +--------
 debian/rules.d/1-maintainer.mk               |  1 -
 debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk              |  8 +-
 debian/rules.d/5-udebs.mk                    | 79 --------------------
 6 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 debian/rules.d/5-udebs.mk

diff --git a/debian.master/control.d/flavour-control.stub b/debian.master/control.d/flavour-control.stub
index e931872e38..fe08e02e15 100644
--- a/debian.master/control.d/flavour-control.stub
+++ b/debian.master/control.d/flavour-control.stub
@@ -140,13 +140,3 @@ Description: Linux kernel version specific cloud tools for version PKGVER-ABINUM
  version locked tools for cloud for version PKGVER-ABINUM on
-Build-Profiles: <!stage1> <!noudeb> <!cross> <!autopkgtest>
-XC-Package-Type: udeb
-Section: debian-installer
-Architecture: ARCH
-Depends: ${udeb:Depends}
-Description: Metapackage depending on kernel udebs
- This package depends on the all udebs that the kernel build generated,
- for easier version and migration tracking.
diff --git a/debian.master/control.stub.in b/debian.master/control.stub.in
index 31386fad5d..4d0cb5f3ac 100644
--- a/debian.master/control.stub.in
+++ b/debian.master/control.stub.in
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ Standards-Version:
  debhelper-compat (= 10),
- kernel-wedge <!stage1> <!noudeb> <!cross> <!autopkgtest>,
- dctrl-tools <!stage1> <!noudeb> <!cross> <!autopkgtest>,
  kmod <!stage1>,
  makedumpfile [amd64] <!stage1>,
  libcap-dev <!stage1>,
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 737da10635..16a069766e 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -39,19 +39,10 @@ do_tools_common?=true
-ifneq ($(filter noudeb,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES)),)
-# Don't build udebs if $(DEBIAN)/d-i/ doesn't exist
-ifeq ($(wildcard $(DEBIAN)/d-i/.),)
-	disable_d_i=true
-# Don't build tools or udebs in a cross compile environment.
+# Don't build tools in a cross compile environment.
-	disable_d_i=true
@@ -83,7 +74,6 @@ endif
 #  - disable dkms builds as the versions used may have been deleted
 ifneq ($(filter autopkgtest,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES)),)
 	flavours := $(firstword $(flavours))
-	disable_d_i=true
@@ -134,21 +124,12 @@ clean: debian/control debian/canonical-certs.pem debian/canonical-revoked-certs.
-ifeq ($(disable_d_i),)
-	# d-i stuff
-	rm -rf $(DEBIAN)/d-i-$(arch)
-	# Generated on the fly.
-	rm -f $(DEBIAN)/d-i/firmware/$(arch)/kernel-image
 	# normal build junk
 	rm -rf $(DEBIAN)/abi/$(release)-$(revision)
 	rm -rf $(builddir)
 	rm -f $(stampdir)/stamp-*
 	rm -rf $(DEBIAN)/linux-*
-	# This gets rid of the d-i packages in control
-	cp -f $(DEBIAN)/control.stub $(DROOT)/control
 	cp $(DEBIAN)/changelog debian/changelog
 	# Install the copyright information.
@@ -172,9 +153,6 @@ distclean: clean
 # Builds the image, arch headers and debug packages
 include $(DROOT)/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
-# Rules for building the udebs ($(DEBIAN)-installer)
-include $(DROOT)/rules.d/5-udebs.mk
 # Builds the source, doc and linux-headers indep packages
 include $(DROOT)/rules.d/3-binary-indep.mk
@@ -222,18 +200,7 @@ $(DEBIAN)/control.stub: 				\
 .PHONY: debian/control
 debian/control: $(DEBIAN)/control.stub
-	echo "# placebo control.stub for kernel-wedge flow change" >debian/control.stub
 	cp $(DEBIAN)/control.stub debian/control
-ifeq ($(disable_d_i),)
-	# start new paragraph in debian/control
-	echo >> debian/control
-	# append udeb packages
-	export KW_DEFCONFIG_DIR=$(DEBIAN)/d-i && \
-	export KW_CONFIG_DIR=$(DEBIAN)/d-i && \
-	LANG=C kernel-wedge gen-control $(release)-$(abinum) | \
-		grep-dctrl -FArchitecture $(arch) \
-		>>$(CURDIR)/debian/control
 debian/canonical-certs.pem: $(wildcard $(DROOT)/certs/*-all.pem) $(wildcard $(DROOT)/certs/*-$(arch).pem) $(wildcard $(DEBIAN)/certs/*-all.pem) $(wildcard $(DEBIAN)/certs/*-$(arch).pem)
 	for cert in $(sort $(notdir $^));					\
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/1-maintainer.mk b/debian/rules.d/1-maintainer.mk
index 5917b89bbd..cd249d179b 100644
--- a/debian/rules.d/1-maintainer.mk
+++ b/debian/rules.d/1-maintainer.mk
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ printenv:
 	@echo "DEB_BUILD_ARCH            = $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)"
 	@echo "arch                      = $(arch)"
 	@echo "kmake                     = $(kmake)"
-	@echo "disable_d_i               = $(disable_d_i)"
 	@baseCommit=$$(git log --pretty=format:'%H %s' | \
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk b/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
index 2f131a1682..f5ce021276 100644
--- a/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
+++ b/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
@@ -176,12 +176,6 @@ endif
 ifeq ($(do_dtbs),true)
 	$(build_cd) $(kmake) $(build_O) $(conc_level) dtbs_install \
-ifeq ($(disable_d_i),)
-	( cd $(pkgdir)/lib/firmware/$(abi_release)-$*/ && find device-tree -print ) | \
-	while read dtb_file; do \
-		echo "$$dtb_file ?" >> $(DEBIAN)/d-i/firmware/$(arch)/kernel-image; \
-	done
 ifeq ($(no_dumpfile),)
@@ -798,7 +792,7 @@ build-arch: $(build-arch-deps-true)
 	@echo Debug: $@
 ifeq ($(AUTOBUILD),)
-binary-arch-deps-$(do_flavour_image_package) += binary-udebs
+binary-arch-deps-$(do_flavour_image_package) += binary-debs
 binary-arch-deps-$(do_flavour_image_package) = binary-debs
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/5-udebs.mk b/debian/rules.d/5-udebs.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 584115f6a1..0000000000
--- a/debian/rules.d/5-udebs.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Do udebs if not disabled in the arch-specific makefile
-binary-udebs: binary-debs
-	@echo Debug: $@
-ifeq ($(disable_d_i),)
-	@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f $(DROOT)/rules DEBIAN=$(DEBIAN) \
-		do-binary-udebs
-do-binary-udebs: linux_udeb_name=$(shell if echo $(src_pkg_name)|egrep -q '(linux-unstable|linux-lts|linux-hwe|linux-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)'; then echo $(src_pkg_name); else echo linux; fi)
-do-binary-udebs: debian/control
-	@echo Debug: $@
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_testroot
-	# unpack the kernels into a temporary directory
-	mkdir -p debian/d-i-${arch}
-	imagelist=$$(cat $(CURDIR)/$(DEBIAN)/d-i/kernel-versions | grep ^${arch} | gawk '{print $$3}') && \
-	for f in $$imagelist; do \
-	  i=$(release)-$(abinum)-$$f; \
-          for f in \
-		../linux-image-$$i\_$(release)-$(revision)_${arch}.deb \
-		../linux-image-unsigned-$$i\_$(release)-$(revision)_${arch}.deb \
-		../linux-modules-$$i\_$(release)-$(revision)_${arch}.deb \
-		../linux-modules-extra-$$i\_$(release)-$(revision)_${arch}.deb; \
-	  do \
-		  [ -f $$f ] && dpkg -x $$f debian/d-i-${arch}; \
-	  done; \
-	  /sbin/depmod -b debian/d-i-${arch} $$i; \
-	done
-	# kernel-wedge will error if no modules unless this is touched
-	touch $(DEBIAN)/d-i/no-modules
-	touch $(CURDIR)/$(DEBIAN)/d-i/ignore-dups
-	export KW_DEFCONFIG_DIR=$(CURDIR)/$(DEBIAN)/d-i && \
-	export KW_CONFIG_DIR=$(CURDIR)/$(DEBIAN)/d-i && \
-	export SOURCEDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/d-i-${arch} && \
-	  kernel-wedge install-files $(release)-$(abinum) && \
-	  kernel-wedge check
-        # Build just the udebs
-	dilist=$$(dh_listpackages -s | grep "\-di$$") && \
-	[ -z "$dilist" ] || \
-	for i in $$dilist; do \
-	  dh_fixperms -p$$i; \
-	  $(lockme) dh_gencontrol -p$$i; \
-	  dh_builddeb -p$$i; \
-	done
-	# Generate the meta-udeb dependancy lists.
-	@gawk '										\
-		/^Package:/ {								\
-			package=$$2; flavour=""; parch="" }				\
-		(/Package-Type: udeb/ && package !~ /^$(linux_udeb_name)-udebs-/) {      \
-			match(package, "'$(release)'-'$(abinum)'-(.*)-di", bits);       \
-			flavour = bits[1];						\
-		}									\
-		(/^Architecture:/ && $$0 " " ~ / '$(arch)'/) {				\
-			parch=$$0;							\
-		}									\
-		(flavour != "" && parch != "") {					\
-			udebs[flavour] = udebs[flavour] package ", ";			\
-			flavour=""; parch="";						\
-		}                                                      			\
-		END {                                                  			\
-			for (flavour in udebs) {					\
-				package="$(linux_udeb_name)-udebs-" flavour;		\
-				file="debian/" package ".substvars";			\
-				print("udeb:Depends=" udebs[flavour]) > file;		\
-				metas="'$(builddir)'/udeb-meta-packages";		\
-				print(package) >metas					\
-			}								\
-		}									\
-	' <$(CURDIR)/debian/control
-	@while read i; do \
-		$(lockme) dh_gencontrol -p$$i; \
-		dh_builddeb -p$$i; \
-	done <$(builddir)/udeb-meta-packages

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