[SRU][I/raspi][PATCH 0/1] Cannot start docker container on ubuntu 21.10 server for raspberry pi (LP: #1947601)

Juerg Haefliger juerg.haefliger at canonical.com
Fri Nov 5 14:15:11 UTC 2021


Using the Ubuntu image for Raspberry Pi from here: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/21.10/release/ubuntu-21.10-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi.img.xz

After installing the docker.io package, I cannot start a docker container. Example:

$ sudo docker run --rm hello-world
docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create endpoint pensive_greider on network bridge: failed to add the host (veth2102512) <=> sandbox (veth4fb66df) pair interfaces: operation not supported.

Update for everyone searching for a workaround and finding this bug:

sudo apt install linux-modules-extra-raspi

You may want to indicate above that you are affected.

[Test Case]

$ apt install docker.io
$ docker run --rm hello-world


Add veth module to linux-modules.

[Where Problems Could Occur]

New modules might get loaded which could trigger kernel crashes.

Juerg Haefliger (1):
  UBUNTU: [Packaging] raspi: Add veth module to linux-modules package

 debian.raspi/control.d/raspi.inclusion-list | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)


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