[SRU][F:linux-bluefield][PATCH 0/1] UBUNTU: SAUCE: Syncup i2c-mlx driver with upstreamed version

Asmaa Mnebhi Asmaa at mellanox.com
Fri Mar 26 13:36:16 UTC 2021

From: Asmaa Mnebhi <asmaa at nvidia.com>

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1921506

SRU Justification:


* Sync up the current i2c-mlx.c driver with the upstreamed version. The name of the i2c-mlx.c driver changed to i2c-mlxbf2.c.
* Support multi slave functionality
* And fix a bug in the core frequency


* Sync up the current i2c-mlx.c driver with the upstreamed version
* Add logic to the slave functions to support multi slave functionality
* Make core frequency more accurate

[Test Case]

* I2C driver is loaded for each bus on BlueWhale and BlueSphere.
* Tested I2C driver via IPMB. Send/Receive transactions to/from BMC.
* IPMB infrastructure enables us to test the multislave functionality.

[Regression Potential]

* This new version of the i2c driver (from upstream) hasn't gone through extensive testing yet (QA + verification team)

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