[focal/linux-oem-5.10 1/1] UBUNTU: [Packaging] sync dkms-build et al from LRMv4

Andy Whitcroft apw at canonical.com
Thu Mar 11 12:06:29 UTC 2021

dkms-build and particularly dkms-build--nvidia-N are consumed in all
derivative linux-restricted-modules packages.  Each gets its local
independant copy from its main kernel package, and that is common to all
kernels based on a particular top-level kernel.  Sync the latest updated
versions of these back into the kernel.

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1918134
Signed-off-by: Andy Whitcroft <apw at canonical.com>
 debian/scripts/dkms-build           | 10 +----
 debian/scripts/dkms-build--nvidia-N | 66 ++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/scripts/dkms-build b/debian/scripts/dkms-build
index 3aabf94be492..c1751ffaa016 100755
--- a/debian/scripts/dkms-build
+++ b/debian/scripts/dkms-build
@@ -61,15 +61,7 @@ do
 			# Download from the available pools.
-			for pool in $( apt-cache policy | grep '^ [^ ]' | sort -r -n -k 1,1 -s | \
-			    awk '
-				($2 ~ /^http/) {
-				    if (!($2 in E)) {
-					E[$2]=1;
-					print $2;
-				    }
-				}
-			    ')
+			for pool in $( grep -h '^deb ' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u )
 				if package_present "$lpackage"; then
diff --git a/debian/scripts/dkms-build--nvidia-N b/debian/scripts/dkms-build--nvidia-N
index 84bc57931120..310d63b5edda 100755
--- a/debian/scripts/dkms-build--nvidia-N
+++ b/debian/scripts/dkms-build--nvidia-N
@@ -35,55 +35,53 @@ mkdir -p "$pkgdir/bits/scripts"
 # Install the support files we need.
-if [ "$sign" = "--lrm" ]; then
-	lds_src="/usr/src/linux-headers-$abi_flavour"
-cp "$lds_src/scripts/module.lds" "$pkgdir/bits/scripts"
-grep /usr/bin/ld.bfd "$log" | sed -e "s@$build/@@g" >"$pkgdir/bits/BUILD"
-grep /usr/bin/ld.bfd "$log" | sed -e "s@$build/@@g" \
-	-e 's/.*-o  *\([^ ]*\) .*/rm -f \1/g' >"$pkgdir/bits/CLEAN"
+echo "II: copying support files ..."
+for lds_src in \
+	"$dkms_dir/headers/linux-headers-$abi_flavour/scripts/module.lds" \
+	"/usr/src/linux-headers-$abi_flavour/scripts/module.lds" \
+	"$dkms_dir/headers/linux-headers-$abi_flavour/scripts/module-common.lds" \
+	"/usr/src/linux-headers-$abi_flavour/scripts/module-common.lds"
+	[ ! -f "$lds_src" ] && continue
+	echo "II: copying support files ... found $lds_src"
+	cp "$lds_src" "$pkgdir/bits/scripts"
+	break
+# Build helper scripts.
+cat - <<'EOL' >"$pkgdir/bits/BUILD"
+[ "$1" = "unsigned" ] && signed_only=:
+grep /usr/bin/ld.bfd "$log" | grep -v scripts/genksyms/genksyms | sed -e "s@$build/@@g" >>"$pkgdir/bits/BUILD"
+sed -e 's/.*-o  *\([^ ]*\) .*/rm -f \1/g' <"$pkgdir/bits/BUILD" >"$pkgdir/bits/CLEAN"
 # As the builds contain the absolute filenames as used.  Use RECONSTRUCT to
 # rebuild the .ko's, sign them, pull off the signatures and then finally clean
 # up again.
 	cd "$pkgdir/bits" || exit 1
-	sh ./CLEAN
-	sh ./BUILD
-	for ko in *.ko
+	# Add .ko handling to the CLEAN/BUILD dance.
+	for ko in "$pkgdir"/*.ko
-		echo "cat '$ko' '$ko.sig' >'../$ko'" >>"$pkgdir/bits/BUILD"
-		echo "rm -f '$ko'" >>"$pkgdir/bits/BUILD"
+		ko=$(basename "$ko")
+		echo "\$signed_only cat '$ko' '$ko.sig' >'../$ko'" >>"$pkgdir/bits/BUILD"
+		echo "\$signed_only rm -f '$ko'" >>"$pkgdir/bits/BUILD"
 		echo "rm -f '../$ko'" >>"$pkgdir/bits/CLEAN"
+	# Clear out anything we are not going to distribute and build unsigned .kos.
+	sh ./CLEAN
+	sh ./BUILD unsigned
 	if [ "$sign" = "--custom" ]; then
 		# We are building for and archive custom signing upload.  Keep everything.
 	elif [ "$sign" = "--lrm" ]; then
-		# We are in LRM build the package a copy in any signatures we can
-		# find for them.  These will be added after linking.
-		base="/usr/lib/linux/$abi_flavour"
-		# Check the GCC version we are using against that used in the kernel
-		# NOTE: that we treat this as only a warning, as if the binaries did come
-		# out differently then we will actually 
-		echo "II: checking gcc version ..."
-		cat "$base/compiler"
-		gcc --version
-		gcc_was=$(cat "$base/compiler" | sed -e 's/^GCC:/gcc/')
-		gcc_is=$(gcc --version | head -1)
-		if [ "$gcc_was" != "$gcc_is" ]; then
-			echo "WW: gcc version missmatch between linux and linux-restricted-modules"
-			echo "WW: was: $gcc_was  is: $gcc_is"
-		fi
-		# Apply any local signatures.
-		echo "II: adding signatures from $base ..."
-		cp "$base/signatures/$package/"*".ko.sig" "$pkgdir/bits"
-		sha256sum -c "$base/signatures/$package/SHA256SUMS" || exit 1
+		# We are in the LRM build; grab sha256 checksums and clean up.
+		sha256sum -b *.ko >"SHA256SUMS"
 		sh ./CLEAN
 		# We are in the main kernel, put the .kos together as we will
 		# on the users machine, sign them, and keep just the signature.

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