[SRU bionic/focal/groovy/hirsure LRM] [PATCH 0/9] LP#1918134 -- LRMv4 switch to signing with Ubuntu Kernel Modules signing key
Andy Whitcroft
apw at canonical.com
Mon Mar 8 14:59:55 UTC 2021
Currently we build Nvidia packages in the main kernel package (linux,
linux-aws etc). We do this to sign the resulting .ko's into the kernel
ephemeral modules signing key. We package up only the added signature
data (as .sig files) and destroy the remainder. We later rebuild the .o's
(and temporarily the .ko's) in linux-restricted-modules* and include the
.o's so produced and the .sig's as produced by the main kernel build in
LRM's binary packages. These are then reconstructed on installation on
the end-user system.
Now this has several unfortunate properties. Firstly we have to access
and build dkms packages from the restricted component in the main kernel
package build (which is hard and error prone). Secondly, we must be able
to reproducibly build the .ko's as we build them in both the main package
and LRM. (Recently a toolchain change seems to have made this build no
longer reproducible leading to modules which do not match the produced
signatures and are thus not loadable.) Finally, in order to bump the
version of any particular Nvidia stream (or add or remove a stream) we
have to rebuild the main kernel package in order to get signatures which
is very costly and leads to unnecessary kernel updates for people who do
not even use Nvidia modules.
As background, in recent kernel uploads we have included two new static
keys into the kernel `.builtin_trusted_keys`; the Canonical Livepatch key,
and the Ubuntu Kernel Modules key. This second key is designed to allow
signing of driver .ko's into the kernel even after the build is completed.
With this in place it is no longer necessary for us to build the Nvidia
packages in the main kernel package to obtain signatures.
Signing of .ko's with the Ubuntu Drivers Key (UDK) is performed via a
signing custom binary upload containing those .ko's. This signing either
produces a signed .ko file, or optionally a detached .sig signature.
For our purposes the latter is our desired form as we cannot distribute
the combined .ko files. It is very important to note that as we
cannot distribute the combined .ko files for these Nvidia packages
(due to liscencing constraints) that we also cannot allow the resultant
custom binary upload to be distributed either; ie it cannot end up on the
launchpad librarian or published into the public archive. This constraint
is a key design feature if the implementation described below.
In the new world order (LRMv4) the linux-restricted-modules (LRM) package
is responsible for the only build of the nvidia .o's and the helpers which
allow those to be combined on the end-user system to produce final loadable
.ko's; this avoids the build reproducibility issues. Two new packages are
introduced, linux-restricted-generate (LRG) and linux-restricted-signatures
(LRS). LRG consumes the raw .o's and helpers and uses those to reconstruct
the unsigned .ko's and places those into the signing custom binary upload.
LRS simply downloads the resulting signatures from the archive and
expresses those directly into the filesystem in the same directory as the
.o's expressed by LRM. LRM's binary packages then directly depend on these
signatures such that when the postinst there runs we are able to add those
signatures to the unsigned .ko's forming loadable .ko's for the kernel.
In order to allow LRG to simply consume the raw .o's and build helpers via
a Build-Depend: we have restructured LRM's binary packages. We split the
raw .o's and build helpers from the build dependancies and postinst/prerm
support. The former is needed both by LRG and on the end-user system,
the latter is only needed on the end-user system to construct and
destroy the signed .ko's. The raw .o's and build scripts are moved
into new linux-objects-nvidia-460-ABI-FLAVOUR packages. The existing
linux-modules-nvidia-460-ABI-FLAVOUR packages simply depend on that and
the associated signature package, and carry the postinst/prerm support.
Building this package set is complex as the LRG package cannot be built
in a public PPA as that would cause the signing custom binary upload to
be redistributed by the launchpad librarian. We therefore must build
LRG and LRS in a private PPA. The built LRG and LRS must then be signed
using the Ubuntu Kernel Modules key (again privatly) and the resultant
LRS returned for distribution; this occurs via a private signing PPA
containing the appropriate key; LRG is abandoned at this stage and takes
no futher part. As LRM and LRS are redistributable (and indeed both are
required to install the drivers) LRS is returned to the public build PPA
where LRM was built and enters the normal pipeline.
As LRG depends on binary packages produced by LRM the private PPA in which
LRG will build must depend on the PPA in which LRM builds. To support
this we introduce an adjunct PPA for each public build PPA which will
produce kernels which contain an LRM component. These are needed for
both of the stable PPAs (ppa and ppa2) and the development PPAs (bootstrap
and unstable); each is simply named using the primary PPA name with a -ps
(Private Signing) suffix. Below is a flow-chart showing the lifecycles
for these packages:
| .LRS(-b). | |
v v | v v
+------------+ | +------------+
| ppa | | | ppa-ps |
+------------+ | +------------+
| | | |
| | LRS LRG(-b)
v | v v
+------------+ | +------------+
| -proposed | `---| signing |
+------------+ +------------+
This new proceedure is complex and error prone as (nominally) this requires
the addition and maintenance of two new packages. Also of the three
packages in this set one is initially uploaded to the public PPA with the
rest of the kernel (linux, linux-signed, and linux-meta) and the other two
must be uploaded to a specific related private PPA (it must depend on the
associated public PPA); indeed if LRG is uploaded to the public PPA we may
end up redistributing nvidia .ko's which must be prevented at all costs.
To avoid the complexity and associated risk of misplacing these new
packages the LRG and LRS package source are folded into the LRM package.
This package will continue to be maintained in the normal way and uploaded
to the public build PPA as normal, meaning no process change for crankers.
LRS and LRG are (intentionally) generable from LRM simply by changing the
name of the source package in debian/changelog. A cron based helper will
monitor the primary PPAs for new LRM uploads and automatically convert
that into the necessary LRG/LRS pairing and upload it to the correct
adjunct PPA. The tracking bugs associated with our uploads will drive
the process from there to sign and return LRS to the primary build PPA.
The patch stack below represents the nominal conversion of the
hirsute:linux package from LRMv3 to LRMv4. However (as we did with LRMv3)
I proposed to apply this update programatically to all LRM packages
once this is reviewed.
This stack does not contain the (further) changes we will apply to the main
kernel packages to stop building the nvidia signatures there. We also
continue to assume that the primary kernel package for a version-series
(bionic:linux) still carries the definative debian/dkms-versions file so
that we retain consistent versioning on these packages[1]; though this
does not preclude LRMs being respun independently during a cycle.
[1] the next phase of this work will revisit the home for this version
data going forward, and the aquisition of the DKMS packages during
the builds, and later.
Branch: autogen4
Andy Whitcroft (9):
UBUNTU: [Packaging] parameterise package generator based on package
UBUNTU: [Packaging] gen-rules -- clean up debian/rules fragment
UBUNTU: [Packaging] dkms-build--nvidia-N -- handle symbol versioning being enabled
UBUNTU: [Packaging] dkms-build--nvidia-N -- follow changes to lds naming
UBUNTU: [Packaging] dkms-build--nvidia-N -- add unsigned build mode to helpers
UBUNTU: [Packaging] linux-restricted-generate -- generate unsigned modules for signing
UBUNTU: [Packaging] linux-restricted-signatures -- publish clean signatures
UBUNTU: [Packaging] linux-restricted-modules -- consume published signatures
UBUNTU: [Packaging] update-version -- handle forward-backport versioning
debian/rules.in | 26 +---
debian/rules.lrg | 31 ++++
debian/rules.lrs | 12 ++
debian/scripts/dkms-build--nvidia-N | 63 ++++----
debian/scripts/gen-rules | 179 +---------------------
debian/scripts/gen-rules.lrg | 138 +++++++++++++++++
debian/scripts/gen-rules.lrm | 226 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/scripts/gen-rules.lrs | 100 ++++++++++++
debian/source/options | 2 +-
download-signed | 183 ++++++++++++++++++++++
scripts/module-common.lds | 26 ----
update-version | 5 +-
12 files changed, 741 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 debian/rules.lrg
create mode 100755 debian/rules.lrs
create mode 100755 debian/scripts/gen-rules.lrg
create mode 100755 debian/scripts/gen-rules.lrm
create mode 100755 debian/scripts/gen-rules.lrs
create mode 100755 download-signed
delete mode 100644 scripts/module-common.lds
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