[SRU][F:linux-bluefield][PATCH 0/1] UBUNTU: SAUCE: pka: Update firmware

Mahantesh Salimath mahantesh at nvidia.com
Thu Apr 22 17:21:30 UTC 2021

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1925517

SRU Justification:

* Currently, curve 25519 and 448 are not supported by PKA firmware, new firmware adds this support.

* Update PKA firmware image "pka: Update firmware"

[Test Case]
* If there is any issue with the new firmware, PKA driver will fail to load.
 Hence, on bootup, check if the PKA linux driver is loaded without any errors.
 Ex:# dmesg | grep -i pka.

[Regression Potential]
* PKA HW might fail to operate as expected due to the new firmware image.
 This can be verified by performing a validation test.
 Ex:# /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libpka1/pka_test_validation -c 1 -r 1 -s 0
 validation tests passed!

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