[Unstable][PATCH] UBUNTU: [Packaging] Add module versions to the ABI

Seth Forshee seth.forshee at canonical.com
Mon Apr 19 20:25:56 UTC 2021

On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 02:36:38PM +0200, Juerg Haefliger wrote:
> Add module versions to the ABI (or '-' if the module doesn't report a
> version) and make sure the module check only looks at the module name
> and ignores the trailing version.
> This info ends up in the buildinfo package which can be used by meta
> packages so that they don't have to build-depend on the huge modules
> package to determine versions of in-tree DKMS modules.
> Signed-off-by: Juerg Haefliger <juergh at canonical.com>

This doesn't seem like a very extensible way of doing things if we ever
need to add additional information from modinfo later. We're already
inclding the firmware information separately in the fwinfo file. I
wonder how much it would bloat the abi size to include all of the
modinfo data, similar to what's in modules.builtin.modinfo already
(which we would probably also want to pull in as part of this
information). It could probably replace the fwinfo and flavour.modules
files though as they would now contain redundant information.


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