[PATCH 0/1][SRU][F] Dynamically set AD5593R channel modes

AceLan Kao acelan.kao at canonical.com
Tue Sep 15 05:08:18 UTC 2020

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1895612

On Advantech UNO-420 development platform, we need a generic way to set
the pin mode.
Upstream would like us to leverage ACPI override method to change the
modes, but in Ubuntu core, we can't generate a new initramfs and boot up
with the generated initramfs.

Add a module parameter to assign pin modes while loading ad5593r driver.

Verified on Advantech UNO-420 platform.

[Regression Potential]
Low, it checks the length of the passed parameter, and checks every bytes
in it to make sure it's a valid argument.

William Sung (1):
  iio: dac: ad5593r: Dynamically set AD5593R channel modes

 drivers/iio/dac/ad5592r-base.c | 21 +++++++++++++---
 drivers/iio/dac/ad5592r-base.h |  4 ++++
 drivers/iio/dac/ad5593r.c      | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


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