Reminder -- Groovy kernel freeze is Oct 8 (was: Reminder -- Focal kernel freeze is Oct 8)

Seth Forshee seth.forshee at
Tue Oct 6 13:40:43 UTC 2020

Obviously that should have been groovy in the subject. That's what I get
for recycling old announcements :-)

On Mon, Oct 05, 2020 at 09:15:19AM -0500, Seth Forshee wrote:
> Apologies for the late reminder, I forgot to send this out last week.
> The kernel freeze for Ubuntu 20.10 is coming up later this week. Any
> changes required in the Groovy kernel at release need to be submitted
> to the mailing list before Oct 8. After this date all changes will be
> subject to SRU policy and are likely to be deferred to a post-release
> update.
> Thanks,
> Seth

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