NACK/Cmnt: [SRU][X][B][F][PATCH 0/1] Change NET_IPIP and IPV6_SIT to modules

Khalid Elmously khalid.elmously at
Fri Nov 20 08:18:28 UTC 2020

On 2020-10-15 09:43:24 , Stefan Bader wrote:
> On 15.10.20 04:18, Khalid Elmously wrote:
> > BugLink:
> > 
> > There's no good reason for these modules to be statically built-in, and they are causing test validation problems on some clouds.
> > 
> > 
> > Khalid Elmously (1):
> > 
> >  debian.kvm/config/config.common.ubuntu | 8 ++++----
> >  1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
> > 
> The subject line is confusingly written as if the patches were for the primary
> kernels. And there is a Groovy/linux-kvm which should be checked and fixed as
> well. So subject should be "[SRU G,F,B,X/linux-kvm] ...". Also the bug report
> does not contain a complete SRU justification template and the regression
> potential should rather be something like "Early boot code might have been
> depending on the net devices being present, however that can be mitigated by
> probing for those". And speaking of that, did we check that the packaging of kvm
> kernels automatically picks those modules up and into linux-modules?

Those modules are not automatically included in linux-modules, since they weren't being built as modules at all.

I wasn't aware that they are required to be included in linux-modules. I could add them to the inclusion list if that is a requirement.

> [also the bug report could be nominated for all the series this should be
> considered for]
> -Stefan

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