[SRU][PULL][aws/focal] nitro_enclaves driver

Kamal Mostafa kamal at canonical.com
Thu Nov 5 18:41:35 UTC 2020

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1903087

Add the nitro_enclaves driver from mainline to linux-aws/{focal,bionic-5.4} and
linux-aws/{groovy,hirsute}. The driver is supplied by mainline commits [see
buglink], which are all clean cherry picks for groovy with a couple of trivial
backports for focal.

This [aws/focal] pull req needs to be applied to linux-aws/focal;
linux-aws/bionic-5.4 will inherit it from there.



The following changes since commit fa1658190306d41be8d4b27ebc6d9a2b9f55724d:

  UBUNTU: Ubuntu-aws-5.4.0-1029.30 (2020-10-20 11:32:34 +0200)

are available in the Git repository at:

  git://git.launchpad.net/~kamalmostafa/ubuntu/+source/linux-aws/+git/focal nitro-enclaves

for you to fetch changes up to 3d6f1417fde3f391af6681d75bb6f390b34c3645:

  MAINTAINERS: Add entry for the Nitro Enclaves driver (2020-11-05 08:43:48 -0800)

Andra Paraschiv (18):
      nitro_enclaves: Add ioctl interface definition
      nitro_enclaves: Define the PCI device interface
      nitro_enclaves: Define enclave info for internal bookkeeping
      nitro_enclaves: Init PCI device driver
      nitro_enclaves: Handle PCI device command requests
      nitro_enclaves: Handle out-of-band PCI device events
      nitro_enclaves: Init misc device providing the ioctl interface
      nitro_enclaves: Add logic for creating an enclave VM
      nitro_enclaves: Add logic for setting an enclave vCPU
      nitro_enclaves: Add logic for getting the enclave image load info
      nitro_enclaves: Add logic for setting an enclave memory region
      nitro_enclaves: Add logic for starting an enclave
      nitro_enclaves: Add logic for terminating an enclave
      nitro_enclaves: Add Kconfig for the Nitro Enclaves driver
      nitro_enclaves: Add Makefile for the Nitro Enclaves driver
      nitro_enclaves: Add sample for ioctl interface usage
      nitro_enclaves: Add overview documentation
      MAINTAINERS: Add entry for the Nitro Enclaves driver

Kamal Mostafa (1):
      UBUNTU: [Config][aws] update config for NITRO_ENCLAVES

Qais Yousef (1):
      cpu/hotplug: Add new {add,remove}_cpu() functions

 Documentation/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst      |    5 +-
 Documentation/virt/index.rst              |    1 +
 Documentation/virt/ne_overview.rst        |   95 ++
 MAINTAINERS                               |   13 +
 debian.aws/config/config.common.ubuntu    |    1 +
 drivers/virt/Kconfig                      |    2 +
 drivers/virt/Makefile                     |    2 +
 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/Kconfig       |   20 +
 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/Makefile      |    9 +
 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_misc_dev.c | 1733 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_misc_dev.h |  109 ++
 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_pci_dev.c  |  625 +++++++++++
 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_pci_dev.h  |  327 ++++++
 include/linux/cpu.h                       |    2 +
 include/linux/nitro_enclaves.h            |   11 +
 include/uapi/linux/nitro_enclaves.h       |  359 ++++++
 kernel/cpu.c                              |   24 +
 samples/nitro_enclaves/.gitignore         |    2 +
 samples/nitro_enclaves/Makefile           |   16 +
 samples/nitro_enclaves/ne_ioctl_sample.c  |  883 +++++++++++++++
 20 files changed, 4238 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/virt/ne_overview.rst
 create mode 100644 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/Kconfig
 create mode 100644 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/Makefile
 create mode 100644 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_misc_dev.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_misc_dev.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_pci_dev.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_pci_dev.h
 create mode 100644 include/linux/nitro_enclaves.h
 create mode 100644 include/uapi/linux/nitro_enclaves.h
 create mode 100644 samples/nitro_enclaves/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 samples/nitro_enclaves/Makefile
 create mode 100644 samples/nitro_enclaves/ne_ioctl_sample.c

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