ACK/Cmnt: [SRU][PULL v3][G/aws] config changes to improve hibernation on Xen instance types

Stefan Bader stefan.bader at
Thu Nov 5 16:05:33 UTC 2020

On 04.11.20 20:11, Andrea Righi wrote:
> BugLink:
> BugLink:
> BugLink:
> [Impact]
> The 5.8 kernel (groovy) is not still 100% reliable with hibernation,
> especially on the Xen instance type. However, re-aligning the config
> options as much as possible with the 5.4 kernel (focal) allows to
> hibernate and resume with a success rate close to 100% (according to our
> tests on the AWS cloud).
> [Test case]
>  - spin up an AWS instance (for example a c4.8xlarge instance type)
>  - run a memory stress test
>  - hibernate
>  - resume
>  - verify that the system has been resumed correctly and the memory
>    stress test is still running
> [Fix]
> The following fixes must be applied to improve hibernation/resume
> reliability:
>  - disable CONFIG_SUSPEND (suspend to memory is not supported in AWS and
>    it can introduce a deadlock condition with the Xen hibernation layer)
>  - make sure CONFIG_DMA_CMA is disabled (this introduces another
>    deadlock condition with Xen)
>  - disable CONFIG_FB_HYPERV: this would enable CONFIG_DMA_CMA and we
>    dont' want that (to prevent the Xen deadlock); moreover this driver
>    is not needed at all in the AWS environment
>  - disable CONFIG_XEN_FBDEV_FRONTEND: this is also not required in the
>    AWS environement and it has the potential of breaking hibernation
>  - compile xen-netfront as module
>  - remove all sound-related modules (not really needed in the AWS cloud,
>    they were also disabled on 5.4)
> [Regression potential]
> These are all .config changes. With these changes we are basically
> re-aligning with the previous 5.4 settings and we have experimentally
> verified (tests) that these changes are increasing the success rate of
> hibernation. So the regression potential is minimal.
> Changes v2 -> v3:
>  - identify the minimum set of changes required to make
>    hibernation/resume reliable (>= 99% success rate)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> The following changes since commit f352dd559e7c0ab7aa8db3b91f698e4cbbfbcbe3:
>   UBUNTU: Ubuntu-aws-5.8.0-1011.11 (2020-10-22 11:23:44 +0200)
> are available in the Git repository at:
>   git:// tags/aws-config-update
> for you to fetch changes up to a93066f2c494cbce327827bf2feca0cd123e1c2b:
>   UBUNTU: [Config] [aws] remove all sound-related modules (2020-11-04 19:29:59 +0100)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Andrea Righi (7):
>       UBUNTU: [Config] [aws] make sure CONFIG_FB_HYPERV is disabled
>       UBUNTU: [Config] [aws] make sure CONFIG_SUSPEND is disabled
>       UBUNTU: [Config] [aws] disable CONFIG_XEN_FBDEV_FRONTEND
>       UBUNTU: [Config] [aws] disable CONFIG_INPUT_XEN_KBDDEV_FRONTEND
>       UBUNTU: [Config] [aws] compile xen-netfront as module
>       UBUNTU: [Config] [aws] disable CONFIG_XEN_BALLOON on amd64
>       UBUNTU: [Config] [aws] remove all sound-related modules
> | 479 +----------------
> | 480 +----------------
>    |   3 +-
>                  | 655 +----------------------
>    |   3 +-
>         | 695 +------------------------
>  6 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 2291 deletions(-)
Some sound a bit surprising but ... meh

Acked-by: Stefan Bader <stefan.bader at>

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