Connor Kuehl connor.kuehl at canonical.com
Tue Oct 15 16:37:53 UTC 2019

+ Re-joining this thread to the mailing list.

On 10/15/19 5:11 AM, georgekarapi wrote:
> Hey,
> Well it's a patch for this 
> bugĀ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1685937 It's my 
> first commit to Linux kernel so I'm not quite aware of the procedure. 
> Should I push it to the Ubuntu's kernel or to the main Linux kernel (as 
> it's a bug in Launchpad for Ubuntu)

Hi Giorgos,

Thank you for contributing to Ubuntu! :-)

To answer your question: if the fix doesn't exist in the upstream Linux 
kernel (also referred to as "mainline") then that should be the first 
place it goes if the upstream Linux kernel experiences the regression.

I found the KernelPatches wiki page[1] to be helpful in understanding 
how to contribute to the Ubuntu kernels.

If you've determined that upstream Linux requires the fix, your next 
steps should be working on getting the upstream kernel maintainers to 
accept your patch. Once they've done so, we can take in your patch by 
way of Stable Release Updates (usually shortened to SRU). When you're 
ready to "SRU" your patch, make sure that your patch follows the 
guidelines described by the StablePatchFormat wiki page[2].

Finally, all that's left to do would be to update the launchpad bug that 
you're working on with SRU Justification[3] and then send your patch to 
our mailing list.

If you have any other questions, feel free to reply here or join us on 
IRC in #ubuntu-kernel on freenode.

- Connor

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/KernelPatches

[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/StablePatchFormat

[3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template

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