APPLIED[Unstable]: [SRU {B,D,E,F}] LP#1850958: pull dkms packages from librarian

Seth Forshee seth.forshee at
Tue Nov 12 00:00:07 UTC 2019

On Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 09:48:20PM +0000, Andy Whitcroft wrote:
> When we build a kernel we capture the current dkms package versions.
> This allows us to keep the versions syncronised in an entire SRU cycle
> between the master and derivative kernels.  It also allows us to maintain
> the same versions on respin.  This suffers from the issue that they may
> expire from the archive pool if the dkms packages are revved.  Use the
> launchpad librarian as an alternative source of these packages.  Use if
> first as they should never be removed (unlike the pool).  Retain the
> pool search as this will work in environments where the librarian is not
> available (no internet connectivity).
> Proposing for SRU to bionic, disco, eoan, and application to focal.

Applied to unstable/master, thanks!

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