Building custom ubuntu xenial kernel

Juerg Haefliger juerg.haefliger at
Mon Mar 4 07:47:52 UTC 2019

On Fri, 15 Feb 2019 14:49:05 -0800
Yihua Fang <fang.yihua.eric at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to building the ubuntu kernel. I have found numerous tutorial
> online, but may are deprecated or offers only part of the information.
> I am trying to build a ubuntu kernel with edits to some of Kconfig and
> add/remove some drivers. I mostly

Mostly? where did you deviate from the instructions?

> followed this instruction (
> It builds .deb
> successfully for the stock source code, however it will not pick up my
> changes to Kconfigs.

Hard to tell what's going on without more data. Can post the build logs and
the steps your taking?

> Also, I seems to need to run `fakeroot debian/rules clean` on every build,
> or the build system complaint certain directory are already created. This
> takes quite a while to rebuild each time, so I wonder if there is a faster
> compile cycle?

I think you do want to start clean. How long is 'quite a while'?


> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Eric

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