[PATCH v2 5/5][linux-signed][Unstable][Eoan] UBUNTU: Rename variables to distinguish signed vs. unsigned metadata

dann frazier dann.frazier at canonical.com
Tue Jun 4 22:56:25 UTC 2019

The difference between $(src_fullversion) and $(src_version) is not
self-evident. Use short names for metadata vars about this package,
and prefix those describing the unsigned counterpart with "unsigned_".

Signed-off-by: dann frazier <dann.frazier at canonical.com>
 debian/rules | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 395eedd..69f2678 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -4,22 +4,24 @@
 DEB_HOST_ARCH = $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH)
-# Work out the source package name and version.  We assume the source package
-# is the name of this package with -signed stripped.  The version is identical
-# to this package less any rebuild suffic (+signedN).
-src_package = $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -S Source | sed -e 's/-signed//')
-src_fullversion = $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -S Version)
-src_version = $(shell echo $(src_fullversion) | sed -e 's/+signed[0-9]*.*//')
-src_abi = $(shell echo "$(src_version)" | sed -ne 's/\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\-[0-9]*\)\..*/\1/p')
+src = $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -S Source)
+ver = $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -S Version)
+abi = $(shell echo "$(ver)" | sed -ne 's/\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\-[0-9]*\)\..*/\1/p')
+# Work out the source package name and version of the unsigned package
+# By convention, it is the name of this package with -signed stripped.
+# The version is identical to this package less any rebuild suffix (+signedN).
+unsigned_src = $(shell echo $(src) | sed -e 's/-signed//')
+unsigned_ver = $(shell echo $(ver) | sed -e 's/+signed[0-9]*.*//')
 # We build our control file.  This has to be done before dh runs otherwise
 # we have no binary files and we will not run the appropriate targets.
 	sed <debian/control.stub >debian/control			\
-		-e "s/ABI/$(src_abi)/g"					\
-		-e "s/UNSIGNED_SRC_PACKAGE/$(src_package)/g"		\
-		-e "s/UNSIGNED_SRC_VERSION/$(src_version)/g"
-	rm -rf ./$(src_version) UNSIGNED SIGNED
+		-e "s/ABI/$(abi)/g"					\
+		-e "s/UNSIGNED_SRC_PACKAGE/$(unsigned_src)/g"		\
+		-e "s/UNSIGNED_SRC_VERSION/$(unsigned_ver)/g"
+	rm -rf ./$(unsigned_ver) UNSIGNED SIGNED
 	rm -f 	debian/linux-image-*.install				\
 		debian/linux-image-*.preinst 				\
 		debian/linux-image-*.prerm 				\
@@ -35,11 +37,11 @@ clean:: pre-clean
 	dh $@
-	./download-signed "linux-libc-dev" "$(src_version)" "$(src_package)"
-	#./download-unsigned "$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)" "$(src_version)"
+	./download-signed "linux-libc-dev" "$(unsigned_ver)" "$(unsigned_src)"
+	#./download-unsigned "$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)" "$(unsigned_ver)"
 	mkdir SIGNED
 	(									\
-		cd "$(src_version)" || exit 1;					\
+		cd "$(unsigned_ver)" || exit 1;					\
 		for s in *.efi.signed; do					\
 			[ ! -f "$$s" ] && continue;				\
 			base=$$(echo "$$s" | sed -e 's/.efi.signed//');		\
@@ -64,10 +66,10 @@ override_dh_auto_build:
 	for signed in "SIGNED"/*; do						\
-		flavour=$$(echo "$$signed" | sed -e "s at .*-$(src_abi)-@@");	\
+		flavour=$$(echo "$$signed" | sed -e "s at .*-$(abi)-@@");		\
 		instfile=$$(echo "$$signed" | sed -e "s@[^/]*/@@"		\
-			-e "s at -$(src_abi)-.*@@");				\
-		verflav="$(src_abi)-$$flavour";					\
+			-e "s at -$(abi)-.*@@");					\
+		verflav="$(abi)-$$flavour";					\
 		package="kernel-signed-image-$$verflav-di";			\
 		echo "$$package: adding $$signed";				\
@@ -77,19 +79,19 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
 		echo "$$package: adding $$signed";				\
 		echo "$$signed boot" >>"debian/$$package.install";		\
-		./generate-depends linux-image-unsigned-$$verflav $(src_version)	\
+		./generate-depends linux-image-unsigned-$$verflav $(unsigned_ver)	\
 			linux-image-$$verflav					\
 			>>"debian/linux-image-$$verflav.substvars";	\
 		for which in postinst postrm preinst prerm; do			\
 			template="debian/templates/image.$$which.in";		\
 			script="debian/$$package.$$which";			\
-			sed -e "s/@abiname@/$(src_abi)/g"			\
+			sed -e "s/@abiname@/$(abi)/g"				\
 			    -e "s/@localversion@/-$$flavour/g"			\
 			    -e "s/@image-stem@/$$instfile/g"			\
 				<"$$template" >"$$script";			\
 		done;								\
-		echo "interest linux-update-$(src_abi)-$$flavour" 		\
+		echo "interest linux-update-$(abi)-$$flavour"	 		\
 			>"debian/$$package.triggers";				\
@@ -98,8 +100,8 @@ override_dh_builddeb:
 	for pkg in $$(dh_listpackages); do \
 		case $$pkg in *dbgsym) ;; *) continue ;; esac; \
-		mv ../$${pkg}_$(src_fullversion)_$(DEB_HOST_ARCH).deb \
-		   ../$${pkg}_$(src_fullversion)_$(DEB_HOST_ARCH).ddeb; \
+		mv ../$${pkg}_$(ver)_$(DEB_HOST_ARCH).deb \
+		   ../$${pkg}_$(ver)_$(DEB_HOST_ARCH).ddeb; \
 		sed -i "/^$${pkg}_/s/\.deb /.ddeb /" debian/files; \

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