[PATCH 0/2][SRU][Disco] update virtualbox drivers to 6.0.6-dfsg-1

Seth Forshee seth.forshee at canonical.com
Thu Apr 18 13:16:47 UTC 2019

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1825210

[SRU Justification]

Impact: The virtualbox package was updated in Disco just prior to
release, with numerous bug fixes. It is standard practice during
development to sync our in-kernel source with the latest version of the
virtualbox-guest-dkms package, however this upload was done so late in
the release that there was not time to update the source in our kernel

Fix: Re-sync the vbox guest dkms drivers from virtualbox 6.0.6-dfsg-1.
Also make a small change to the vbox-update script for changes in the
upstream virtualbox makefiles.

Regression Potential: This is a sync from the dkms package in the
disco-release pocket, thus the code has presumably been tested against
the Ubuntu Disco kernel. However, this is a very large pile of changes,
and contains more than just bug fixes, so regressions are possible.

Test Case: Boot a kernel with the updated driver in virtualbox and
confirm that the guest drier functionality works as expected.



Seth Forshee (2):
  UBUNTU: vbox-update: updates for renamed makefiles
  UBUNTU: ubuntu: vbox -- update to 6.0.6-dfsg-1

 ubuntu/vbox-update                            |    2 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/BOM                               |    4 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/dkms.conf                         |    2 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/Makefile                |   80 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/Makefile-footer.gmk     |  128 +
 .../Makefile-header.gmk}                      |  124 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/Makefile.include.footer |  117 -
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/VBoxGuest-linux.c       |    6 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/VBoxGuest.c             |    9 +-
 .../vboxguest/VBoxGuestR0LibGenericRequest.c  |    4 +-
 .../vboxguest/VBoxGuestR0LibHGCMInternal.c    |    2 +-
 .../vbox/vboxguest/VBoxGuestR0LibPhysHeap.c   |   86 +-
 .../common/err/RTErrConvertFromErrno.c        |    8 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/common/log/log.c        |   97 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/common/log/logcom.c     |    4 +-
 .../vboxguest/common/table/avl_Base.cpp.h     |   24 +-
 .../vbox/vboxguest/common/table/avl_Get.cpp.h |    2 +-
 .../common/table/avl_GetBestFit.cpp.h         |    2 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/common/table/avlpv.c    |    2 +-
 .../vbox/vboxguest/include/VBox/VBoxGuest.h   |    2 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/include/VBox/VMMDev.h   |   56 +-
 .../vboxguest/include/VBox/VMMDevCoreTypes.h  |    1 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/include/VBox/err.h      |   14 +-
 .../vboxguest/include/internal/initterm.h     |    5 +
 .../vboxguest/include/iprt/assertcompile.h    |    6 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/include/iprt/cdefs.h    |   16 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/include/iprt/err.h      |    2 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/include/iprt/errcore.h  |    4 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/include/iprt/log.h      |   22 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/include/iprt/mangling.h |   11 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/include/iprt/types.h    |   27 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/include/iprt/x86.h      |    4 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/r0drv/alloc-r0drv.h     |    3 +
 .../vboxguest/r0drv/linux/alloc-r0drv-linux.c |    2 +
 .../r0drv/linux/initterm-r0drv-linux.c        |    7 -
 .../r0drv/linux/memobj-r0drv-linux.c          |   19 +-
 .../vboxguest/r0drv/linux/the-linux-kernel.h  |   10 +-
 .../vboxguest/r0drv/linux/timer-r0drv-linux.c |    4 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/revision-generated.h    |    2 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/version-generated.h     |    6 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/Makefile                   |   92 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/Makefile-footer.gmk        |  128 +
 .../Makefile-header.gmk}                      |  124 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/Makefile.include.footer    |  117 -
 .../vboxsf/VBoxGuestR0LibGenericRequest.c     |  183 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/VBoxGuestR0LibInit.c       |  333 ++
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/VBoxGuestR0LibPhysHeap.c   |  664 +++
 .../vbox/vboxsf/VBoxGuestR0LibSharedFolders.c |   33 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/dirops.c                   | 1821 ++++---
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/VBox/VBoxGuest.h   |    2 +-
 .../VBox/VBoxGuestLibSharedFoldersInline.h    | 1517 ++++++
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/VBox/VMMDev.h      |   56 +-
 .../vboxsf/include/VBox/VMMDevCoreTypes.h     |    1 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/VBox/err.h         |   14 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/VBox/shflsvc.h     |  147 +-
 .../vbox/vboxsf/include/iprt/assertcompile.h  |    6 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/iprt/cdefs.h       |   16 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/iprt/err.h         |    2 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/iprt/errcore.h     |    4 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/iprt/fs.h          |    3 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/iprt/list.h        |  539 ++
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/iprt/log.h         |   22 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/iprt/mangling.h    |   11 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/iprt/types.h       |   27 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/lnkops.c                   |  330 +-
 .../vboxsf/r0drv/linux/the-linux-kernel.h     |   10 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/regops.c                   | 4354 ++++++++++++++---
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/revision-generated.h       |    2 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/utils.c                    | 1870 ++++---
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/vbsfmount.h                |  149 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/version-generated.h        |    6 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/vfsmod.c                   | 1382 ++++--
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/vfsmod.h                   |  489 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/Makefile                |   44 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/Makefile-footer.gmk     |  128 +
 .../Makefile-header.gmk}                      |  124 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/Makefile.include.footer |  117 -
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/revision-generated.h    |    2 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/vbox_drv.c              |    9 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/vbox_drv.h              |    2 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/vbox_irq.c              |    4 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/vbox_main.c             |   16 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/vbox_mode.c             |    5 +
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/vbox_ttm.c              |   23 +-
 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/version-generated.h     |    6 +-
 85 files changed, 12182 insertions(+), 3678 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/Makefile-footer.gmk
 rename ubuntu/vbox/{vboxvideo/Makefile.include.header => vboxguest/Makefile-header.gmk} (51%)
 delete mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/Makefile.include.footer
 create mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/Makefile-footer.gmk
 rename ubuntu/vbox/{vboxguest/Makefile.include.header => vboxsf/Makefile-header.gmk} (51%)
 delete mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/Makefile.include.footer
 create mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/VBoxGuestR0LibGenericRequest.c
 create mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/VBoxGuestR0LibInit.c
 create mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/VBoxGuestR0LibPhysHeap.c
 create mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/VBox/VBoxGuestLibSharedFoldersInline.h
 create mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/include/iprt/list.h
 create mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/Makefile-footer.gmk
 rename ubuntu/vbox/{vboxsf/Makefile.include.header => vboxvideo/Makefile-header.gmk} (51%)
 delete mode 100644 ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/Makefile.include.footer

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