APPLIED/cmnt: [PATCH] [SRU] [b/master][b/snapdragon] separate linux-snapdragon into its own topic kernel
Kleber Souza
kleber.souza at
Fri Apr 12 16:05:49 UTC 2019
On 4/1/19 4:35 AM, Paolo Pisati wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 12:21:22PM +0100, Kleber Souza wrote:
>> On 3/28/19 4:44 PM, Paolo Pisati wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 3:54 PM Kleber Souza <kleber.souza at> wrote:
>>>>> 2) create a new bionic/linux-snapdragon branch and reset hard to my
>>>>> lp:snapdragon-topic-kernel branch (see the pull request below)
>>>> Just to make sure I'm not missing something, does this mean the following
>>>> reference from the PR?
>>>> 8f0d0ff453a88818b597fd3828157c7b9312e36f
>>> Yes
>>>>> 3) update bionic-meta to point to the new bionic/linux-snapdragon kernel
>>>> Do we have a patch for this change? I haven't found it in this thread.
>>> No, because meta is usually handled by stable
>> OK, we can handle that.
> And here is the meta - i built it in my ppa (together with the kernel) and tested it
> on a ubuntu classic installation, where i transitioned from the bionic/generic
> snapdragon flavour kernel to the new bionic/snapdragon kernel.
> Bionic-meta already had a snapdragon branch, but was still pointing to
> xenial/snapdragon and wasn't updated since then, thus please reset hard to my
> branch below:
> The following changes since commit bd740d7be620dc322069da99a4cf5b1794a3def3:
> UBUNTU: Ubuntu-raspi2- (2019-03-14 21:02:02 -0400)
> are available in the git repository at:
> git://
> e473269ffde0e7c3659f3bbd5aa748d983e01fed
> for you to fetch changes up to e473269ffde0e7c3659f3bbd5aa748d983e01fed:
> UBUNTU: Ubuntu-snapdragon- (2019-04-01 11:32:23 +0200)
Applied to bionic/linux-meta/snapdragon branch.
Note that we'll need to remove some files from the master branch of the
linux-meta repo to prevent it from producing the meta packages for the snapdragon
packages from now on. I will work on this and send patches in a separate
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Paolo Pisati (1):
> UBUNTU: Ubuntu-snapdragon-
> debian/changelog | 589
> +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> debian/control.common | 4 +-
> debian/control.d/raspi2 | 31 -------
> debian/control.d/snapdragon | 31 +++++++
> debian/rules | 2 +-
> update-version | 2 +-
> 6 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 621 deletions(-)
> delete mode 100644 debian/control.d/raspi2
> create mode 100644 debian/control.d/snapdragon
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