APPLIED: [SRU] [X/B/C/D] [PATCH v2 0/1] openvswitch: fix kernel buffer overflow

Juerg Haefliger juerg.haefliger at
Mon Apr 8 15:27:01 UTC 2019

Applied to Xenial/Bionic/Cosmic master-next.


> Buglink:
> [Impact]
>  * Flow action buffer can be incorrectly resized to contain the newly added
>    action entries: the buffer is always resized multiplying the previous size
>    by 2, but this might be not enough if the requested size is bigger than
>    previous_size*2, causing a buffer overflow
>  * The fix correctly resizes the buffer to prevent the buffer overflow
>    and potential memory corruptions
>  * This bug can be triggered potentially on any architecture, but it is very
>    likely to happen on i386 running the following test case
> [Test Case]
>  * run this openvswitch test case:
> [Fix]
>  * Instead of resizing the buffer by a factor of 2, use
>    max(current_size * 2, current_size + requested_size)
> [Regression Potential]
>  * Fix has been tested on the affected platform and verified using slub_debug.
>    It is an upstream fix and also a very small patch (one-liner basically), so
>    backport changes are minimal.
> Changes in v2:
>  - fix has been merged upstream (add reference to the proper sha1)
> Andrea Righi (1):
>  openvswitch: fix flow actions reallocation
>  net/openvswitch/flow_netlink.c | 4 ++--
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

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