APPLIED[B++]: [SRU Bionic+] LP#1770770 -- switch Build-Depends: from transfig to fig2dev

Stefan Bader stefan.bader at
Wed May 23 08:38:03 UTC 2018

On 12.05.2018 01:20, Andy Whitcroft wrote:
> Some time back transfig became a transitional package to fig2dev.
> In cosmic this transitional has now been deprecated.  As we are still
> copying kernels forward we need to fix this dependency in bionic.
> This transition actually occured back in artful, we just missed it.
> Switch our build dependency to the "new" fig2dev package.

Applied to bionic master-next and to all derivatives. Also added proper
justification to the bug report and tasks for all derivatives, too.
Extended the commit message by the explanation above.


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