[PATCH 1/2] SAUCE: wcn36xx: read MAC from file or randomly generate one

Paolo Pisati paolo.pisati at canonical.com
Thu Jun 14 10:07:49 UTC 2018

Ok, i'm sending a V2.

On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 4:48 PM, Stefan Bader
<stefan.bader at canonical.com> wrote:
> On 12.06.2018 16:28, Paolo Pisati wrote:
> Subject should, iirc be "UBUNTU: SAUCE: ...". Also, please add more of the
> description of the change into the commit message. Its a pain to always have to
> follow some link or read code to know what a commit does and why. Does not have
> to be the long story but a bit more than nothing would help.
> The config change, ok, there is probably not much more to say about that one
> beyond the one line.


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