[PATCH][SRU][Bionic] scsi: libiscsi: Allow sd_shutdown on bad transport

Rafael David Tinoco rafael.tinoco at canonical.com
Tue Jan 23 15:33:34 UTC 2018

Hi Kleber

> Hi Rafael,
> If the same patch can be applied cleanly for more than one series
> there's no need to send a patch for each one of them. You can send a
> single email just adding to the subject the prefixes for the series that
> it applies to.

I was in doubt of that. I confess the public documentation:

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/StablePatchFormat <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/StablePatchFormat>

Is a bit outdated, and I looked for such information there.

> In this case it could be:
> [PATCH][SRU][Bionic][Artful][Xenial][Trusty] scsi: libiscsi: ...

Good to know. Will use in the future. For this case, please note that the Trusty patch wasn't clean cherry-pick, like others, but didn't differ in anything meaningful. 

> You can also use only the first letter of the series to have an
> abbreviated form, e.g.:
> [PATCH][SRU][B/A/X/T] scsi: libiscsi: ...

Yep, will use it. Sorry for the overhead this time.

> Thanks,
> Kleber

No, Tku!
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