[RFC][PATCH] ktl/ubuntu.py: fix series lookup for custom backports

Juerg Haefliger juerg.haefliger at canonical.com
Fri Oct 13 07:59:27 UTC 2017

This fixes the verify-release-ready release check for linux-aws and
linux-gcp. But the generic checking of all packages against the list of
backports concerns me a little. Can we have backport packages with the
same name in different series? Specifically, there is a linux-aws
derivative in xenial and a linux-aws xenial backport for trusty.

On the other hand, modifying verify-release-ready every time we add
another of these custom thingies isn't the best thing to do.


On 10/13/2017 09:55 AM, Juerg Haefliger wrote:
> Currently, only linux-azure is checked against the list of backports.
> Relax that check and compare all packages against the list of backports,
> and if found, return its target series.
> Signed-off-by: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger at canonical.com>
> ---
>  ktl/ubuntu.py | 19 +++++++++----------
>  1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/ktl/ubuntu.py b/ktl/ubuntu.py
> index 884ed9765605..0bc2aa182125 100644
> --- a/ktl/ubuntu.py
> +++ b/ktl/ubuntu.py
> @@ -234,16 +234,15 @@ class Ubuntu:
>                          retval = entry['name']
>                          series_version = entry['series_version']
> -            # linux-azure is a backport that doesn't contain the 'upstream'
> -            # series number on the package name, so we need to look for it
> -            # first and then look for the target series.
> -            if package.startswith('linux-azure'):
> -                for entry in self.db.values():
> -                    try:
> -                        if len(set(['linux', series_version]) & set(entry['backport-packages'][package])) == 2:
> -                            retval = entry['name']
> -                    except KeyError:
> -                        pass
> +            # Check if the package is a 'custom' backport and if so, return
> +            # its target series name
> +            for entry in self.db.values():
> +                try:
> +                    if entry['backport-packages'][package] == ['linux', series_version]:
> +                        retval = entry['name']
> +                        break
> +                except KeyError:
> +                    pass
>          return retval

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