[kteam-tools][PATCH 2/2] swm: close bug when pkg will not be promoted to -updates

Andy Whitcroft apw at canonical.com
Tue Jun 27 11:24:21 UTC 2017

On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 06:11:55PM +0200, Kleber Sacilotto de Souza wrote:
> When the promote-to-updates tasks is set to invalid, set the workflow to
> 'Fix Released' when all the other tasks have been completed.
> Signed-off-by: Kleber Sacilotto de Souza <kleber.souza at canonical.com>
> ---
>  stable/wfl/wft/promote_to_updates.py | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 38 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/stable/wfl/wft/promote_to_updates.py b/stable/wfl/wft/promote_to_updates.py
> index 5903394d..baf986ff 100644
> --- a/stable/wfl/wft/promote_to_updates.py
> +++ b/stable/wfl/wft/promote_to_updates.py
> @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class PromoteToUpdates(Promoter):
>          s.jumper['In Progress']   = s._verify_promotion
>          s.jumper['Fix Committed'] = s._verify_promotion
>          s.jumper['Fix Released']  = s._fix_released
> +        s.jumper['Invalid']       = s._invalid
>          cleave(s.__class__.__name__ + '.__init__')
> @@ -128,4 +129,41 @@ class PromoteToUpdates(Promoter):
>          cleave(s.__class__.__name__ + '._fix_released (%s)' % retval)
>          return retval
> +    # _invalid
> +    #
> +    def _invalid(s):
> +        """
> +        """
> +        center(s.__class__.__name__ + '._invalid')
> +        retval = False
> +
> +        while True:
> +            if s.bug.packages_released:
> +                cinfo('            packages have been released, but the task is set to "Invalid"', 'yellow')
> +                break
> +
> +            if s.bug.sru_workflow_project:
> +                if s.bug.tasks_by_name['security-signoff'] == "Fix Released":
> +                    if not s.bug.packages_released_to_security:
> +                        cinfo('            the packages have not been released to the security pocket', 'yellow')
> +                        break

As the current handling does not handle security-signoff specially we
will mark the promote-to-security as Invalid and then complain that we
have not copied these out to security if the security-signoff is not
set appropriatly.

I think this should more properly confirm that the package
promote-to-security status matches the in pocket status, present for
Fix Released and absent for Invalid.  It should also confirm that the
security-signoff has been completed.  Finally it should confirm that
the security-signoff and the status of the promote-to-security are in
agreement.  If any of that is incorrect we are not done.

That also applied of course to _fix_released() equally.  So if we also
made the same changes to the promote-to-updates status as well then we
would have mostly identicle code for the _fix_released and _invalid
cases.  We could and should then merge them.

This all applied gives us the following _complete() callback (used for
both Fix Released and Invalid):

    # _complete
    def _complete(s):
        center(s.__class__.__name__ + '._complete')
        retval = False

        while True:
            # Check that the promote-to-updates status matches -updates pocket.
            promote_to_updates = s.bug.tasks_by_name['promote-to-updates']
            #if promote_to_updates.status not in ['Invalid', 'Fix Released']:
            #    break
            if promote_to_updates.status == 'Invalid' and s.bug.packages_released:
                cinfo('            packages have been released, but the task is set to "Invalid"', 'yellow')
            elif promote_to_updates.status == 'Fix Released' and not s.bug.packages_released:
                cinfo('            packages have not been released, but the task is set to "Fix Released"', 'yellow')

            # Since this is the one place where the master, project task is set Fix Released it needs to
            # do more than just look at the promote-to-updates. It needs to also look at promote-to-security,
            # confirm the testing is complete and that security signoff is completed.

            # Confirm we have completed all testing.
            if not s._testing_completed():

            # Confirm we have a valid security signoff.
            if not s._security_signoff_verified():

            if s.bug.sru_workflow_project:
                # Check that the promote-to-security status matches -security pocket.
                promote_to_security = s.bug.tasks_by_name['promote-to-security']
                if promote_to_security.status not in ['Invalid', 'Fix Released']:
                    cinfo('            promote-to-security is neither "Fix Released" nor "Invalid" (%s)' % (s.bug.tasks_by_name['promote-to-security'].status), 'yellow')
                if promote_to_security.status == 'Invalid' and s.bug.packages_released_to_security:
                    cinfo('            packages have been released to security, but the task is set to "Invalid"', 'yellow')
                elif promote_to_security.status == 'Fix Released' and not s.bug.packages_released_to_security:
                    cinfo('            packages have not been released to security, but the task is set to "Fix Released"', 'yellow')

                # Check that the promote-to-security status matches that of the security-signoff.
                security_signoff = s.bug.tasks_by_name['security-signoff']
                if promote_to_security.status != security_signoff.status:
                    cinfo('            package promote-to-security status (%s) does not match security-signoff status (%s)' % (promote_to_security.status, security_signoff.status), 'yellow')

            # All is completed so we can finally close out this workflow bug.
            s.bug.tasks_by_name[s.bug.workflow_project].status = 'Fix Released'
            if promote_to_updates.status == 'Invalid':
                msgbody = 'All tasks have been completed and the bug is being set to Fix Released\n'
                s.bug.add_comment('Workflow done!', msgbody)
                s.bug.phase = 'Released'
                msgbody = 'The package has been published and the bug is being set to Fix Released\n'
                s.bug.add_comment('Package Released!', msgbody)

        cleave(s.__class__.__name__ + '._complete (%s)' % retval)
        return retval

I propose to test this and apply make it so on top of yours if it


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