Fwd: New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for ubuntu-yakkety-kernel

Colin Ian King colin.king at canonical.com
Thu Jun 8 10:44:16 UTC 2017


Regression found in static analysis of Yakkety. Same applieds for Xenial

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for ubuntu-yakkety-kernel
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2017 03:10:30 -0700
From: scan-admin at coverity.com
To: colin.king at canonical.com


Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to
ubuntu-yakkety-kernel found with Coverity Scan.

3 new defect(s) introduced to ubuntu-yakkety-kernel found with Coverity

New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 3 of 3 defect(s)

** CID 1436351:  Control flow issues  (NO_EFFECT)
/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c: 574 in ip6_fragment()

*** CID 1436351:  Control flow issues  (NO_EFFECT)
/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c: 574 in ip6_fragment()
568     	int hroom, troom;
569     	__be32 frag_id;
570     	int ptr, offset = 0, err = 0;
571     	u8 *prevhdr, nexthdr = 0;
572     573     	hlen = ip6_find_1stfragopt(skb, &prevhdr);
>>>     CID 1436351:  Control flow issues  (NO_EFFECT)
>>>     This less-than-zero comparison of an unsigned value is never true. "hlen < 0U".
574     	if (hlen < 0) {
575     		err = hlen;
576     		goto fail;
577     	}
578     	nexthdr = *prevhdr;
** CID 1436352:  Control flow issues  (NO_EFFECT)
/net/ipv6/ip6_offload.c: 117 in ipv6_gso_segment()

*** CID 1436352:  Control flow issues  (NO_EFFECT)
/net/ipv6/ip6_offload.c: 117 in ipv6_gso_segment()
111     			payload_len = skb->len - nhoff - sizeof(*ipv6h);
112     		ipv6h->payload_len = htons(payload_len);
113     		skb->network_header = (u8 *)ipv6h - skb->head;
114     115     		if (udpfrag) {
116     			unfrag_ip6hlen = ip6_find_1stfragopt(skb, &prevhdr);
>>>     CID 1436352:  Control flow issues  (NO_EFFECT)
>>>     This less-than-zero comparison of an unsigned value is never true. "unfrag_ip6hlen < 0U".
117     			if (unfrag_ip6hlen < 0)
118     				return ERR_PTR(unfrag_ip6hlen);
119     			fptr = (struct frag_hdr *)((u8 *)ipv6h + unfrag_ip6hlen);
120     			fptr->frag_off = htons(offset);
121     			if (skb->next)
122     				fptr->frag_off |= htons(IP6_MF);

** CID 1436353:  Control flow issues  (NO_EFFECT)
/net/ipv6/udp_offload.c: 94 in udp6_ufo_fragment()

*** CID 1436353:  Control flow issues  (NO_EFFECT)
/net/ipv6/udp_offload.c: 94 in udp6_ufo_fragment()
88     		}
89     90     		/* Find the unfragmentable header and shift it left by
91     		 * bytes to insert fragment header.
92     		 */
93     		unfrag_ip6hlen = ip6_find_1stfragopt(skb, &prevhdr);
>>>     CID 1436353:  Control flow issues  (NO_EFFECT)
>>>     This less-than-zero comparison of an unsigned value is never true. "unfrag_ip6hlen < 0U".
94     		if (unfrag_ip6hlen < 0)
95     			return ERR_PTR(unfrag_ip6hlen);
96     		nexthdr = *prevhdr;
97     		*prevhdr = NEXTHDR_FRAGMENT;
98     		unfrag_len = (skb_network_header(skb) - skb_mac_header(skb)) +
99     			     unfrag_ip6hlen + tnl_hlen;

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