[PATCH kteam-tools] maint-modify-patch: add support for mbox files

Marcelo Henrique Cerri marcelo.cerri at canonical.com
Fri Jul 21 16:00:23 UTC 2017

Add the --mbox option to modify mbox files instead of patches.

Signed-off-by: Marcelo Henrique Cerri <marcelo.cerri at canonical.com>
 maintscripts/maint-modify-patch | 267 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 153 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)

diff --git a/maintscripts/maint-modify-patch b/maintscripts/maint-modify-patch
index 99673ec0ff52..787a1f9ce12d 100755
--- a/maintscripts/maint-modify-patch
+++ b/maintscripts/maint-modify-patch
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ from tempfile                           import NamedTemporaryFile
 from ktl.utils                          import stdo, error
 from ktl.std_app                        import StdApp
 from re                                 import compile
+from mailbox                            import mbox
+from io                                 import StringIO
 # CmdlineError
@@ -92,6 +94,9 @@ class Cmdline:
         stdo("                         A list of git commit ids that will make up 'back-port' lines        \n")
         stdo("                         in the signed-off-by block of the commit.                           \n")
         stdo("                                                                                             \n")
+        stdo("        --mbox                                                                               \n")
+        stdo("                         Treat the imput files as mbox files.                                \n")
+        stdo("                                                                                             \n")
         stdo("    Examples:                                                                                \n")
         stdo("        %s --list-aliases                                                                    \n" % self.cfg['app_name'])
         stdo('        %s --bug=772543 --sob=bjf --ack="smb,ogasawara" *.patch                              \n' % self.cfg['app_name'])
@@ -108,7 +113,9 @@ class Cmdline:
         result = True
             optsShort = 'va:b:c:s:d:'
-            optsLong  = ['help', 'verbose', 'config=', 'debug=', 'ack=', 'bugid=', 'cve=', 'sob=', 'list-aliases', 'cp=', 'bp=', 'dry-run']
+            optsLong  = ['help', 'verbose', 'config=', 'debug=', 'ack=',
+                    'bugid=', 'cve=', 'sob=', 'list-aliases', 'cp=', 'bp=',
+                    'dry-run', 'mbox']
             opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], optsShort, optsLong)
             for opt, val in opts:
@@ -164,6 +171,9 @@ class Cmdline:
                 elif opt in ('--dry-run'):                    # dry-run
                     self.cfg['dry-run'] = True
+                elif opt in ('--mbox'):                       # mbox
+                    self.cfg['mbox'] = True
             if result: # No errors yet
                 if len(args) > 0:
                     self.cfg['modify-operation'] = True
@@ -207,6 +217,7 @@ class ModifyPatch(StdApp):
         self.defaults['list-aliases']     = False
         self.defaults['modify-operation'] = False
         self.defaults['dry-run']          = False
+        self.defaults['mbox']             = False
         self.defaults['buglink_base_url'] = "http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/"
         self.cp_rc = compile('\(cherry picked from commit ([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\)')
@@ -272,7 +283,10 @@ class ModifyPatch(StdApp):
             for patch_file in self.cfg['patch-files']:
-                self.modify(patch_file)
+                if self.cfg['mbox']:
+                    self.modify_mbox(patch_file)
+                else:
+                    self.modify_patch(patch_file)
         # Handle the user presses <ctrl-C>.
@@ -286,13 +300,44 @@ class ModifyPatch(StdApp):
-    # modify
+    # modify_mbox
+    #
+    def modify_mbox(self, mbox_file):
+        """
+        Open a mbox file and write it's modified contents out to a temp file.
+        The temp file will be renamed to the original file as the last step.
+        """
+        src = mbox(mbox_file, create=False)
+        dst_file = mbox_file + '.tmp'
+        dst = mbox(dst_file)
+        for msg in src:
+            src_msg = StringIO(msg.as_string().decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
+            dst_msg = StringIO()
+            self.modify(src_msg, dst_msg)
+            dst_msg.seek(0)
+            dst.add(dst_msg)
+        if not self.cfg['dry-run']:
+            rename(dst_file, mbox_file)
+        return
+    # modify_patch
-    def modify(self, patch):
+    def modify_patch(self, patch):
         Open a file and write it's modified contents out to a temp file.
         The temp file will be renamed to the original file as the last step.
+        with open(patch, 'r') as src:
+            with NamedTemporaryFile(dir='./', delete=False) as dst:
+                self.modify(src, dst)
+        temp = dst.name
+        if not self.cfg['dry-run']:
+            rename(temp, patch)
+    # modify
+    #
+    def modify(self, src, dst):
         existing_cves     = []
         existing_buglinks = []
         existing_acks     = []
@@ -310,119 +355,113 @@ class ModifyPatch(StdApp):
         sob_insertion_point               = False
         just_copy                         = False
-        with open(patch, 'r') as src:
-            with NamedTemporaryFile(dir='./', delete=False) as dst:
-                for line in src:
-                    if just_copy:
-                        dst.write(line)
-                        continue
-                    if looking_4_sob_insertion_point:
-                        if line.strip() == '---':
-                            sob_insertion_point = True
-                            looking_4_sob_insertion_point = False
-                        else:
-                            if 'Acked-by:' in line:
-                                user_id = line.replace('Acked-by:', '').strip()
-                                if user_id not in existing_acks:
-                                    existing_acks.append(user_id)
-                            elif 'Signed-off-by:' in line:
-                                user_id = line.replace('Signed-off-by:', '').strip()
-                                if user_id not in existing_sobs:
-                                    existing_sobs.append(user_id)
-                            elif 'cherry picked' in line:
-                                m = self.cp_rc.search(line)
-                                if m is not None:
-                                    existing_cps.append(m.group(1))
-                                pass
-                            elif 'backported from' in line:
-                                m = self.bp_rc.search(line)
-                                if m is not None:
-                                    existing_bps.append(m.group(1))
-                                pass
-                    if sob_insertion_point:
-                        dst.write(self.sob_block(existing_acks, existing_sobs, existing_cps, existing_bps))
-                        sob_insertion_point = False
-                        just_copy = True
-                    # After the first blank line after the subject line is where we
-                    # want to insert out CVE lines if we need to insert any.
+        for line in src:
+            if just_copy:
+                dst.write(line)
+                continue
+            if looking_4_sob_insertion_point:
+                if line.strip() == '---':
+                    sob_insertion_point = True
+                    looking_4_sob_insertion_point = False
+                else:
+                    if 'Acked-by:' in line:
+                        user_id = line.replace('Acked-by:', '').strip()
+                        if user_id not in existing_acks:
+                            existing_acks.append(user_id)
+                    elif 'Signed-off-by:' in line:
+                        user_id = line.replace('Signed-off-by:', '').strip()
+                        if user_id not in existing_sobs:
+                            existing_sobs.append(user_id)
+                    elif 'cherry picked' in line:
+                        m = self.cp_rc.search(line)
+                        if m is not None:
+                            existing_cps.append(m.group(1))
+                        pass
+                    elif 'backported from' in line:
+                        m = self.bp_rc.search(line)
+                        if m is not None:
+                            existing_bps.append(m.group(1))
+                        pass
+            if sob_insertion_point:
+                dst.write(self.sob_block(existing_acks, existing_sobs, existing_cps, existing_bps))
+                sob_insertion_point = False
+                just_copy = True
+            # After the first blank line after the subject line is where we
+            # want to insert out CVE lines if we need to insert any.
+            #
+            if cve_insertion_point:
+                # Skip past any existing CVE lines and don't duplicate any
+                # existing CVE lines
+                #
+                if 'CVE' in line:
+                    cve_id = line.strip().replace('CVE-', '')
+                    existing_cves.append(cve_id)
+                else:
+                    # Add the CVE id here.
-                    if cve_insertion_point:
-                        # Skip past any existing CVE lines and don't duplicate any
-                        # existing CVE lines
-                        #
-                        if 'CVE' in line:
-                            cve_id = line.strip().replace('CVE-', '')
-                            existing_cves.append(cve_id)
-                        else:
-                            # Add the CVE id here.
-                            #
-                            if 'cveid' in self.cfg and len(self.cfg['cveid']) > 0:
-                                if self.cfg['cveid'] not in existing_cves:
-                                    dst.write('CVE-%s\n' % self.cfg['cveid'])
-                                    dst.write('\n') # One blank line after the CVE line
-                            cve_insertion_point = False # Done!
-                            looking_4_buglink_insertion_point = True
-                            # We don't know at this point, if we are going to insert a BugLink
-                            # so we can't write out the current line of text.
-                    # After the first blank line after the CVE lines is where the BugLinks are
-                    # to be inserted.
+                    if 'cveid' in self.cfg and len(self.cfg['cveid']) > 0:
+                        if self.cfg['cveid'] not in existing_cves:
+                            dst.write('CVE-%s\n' % self.cfg['cveid'])
+                            dst.write('\n') # One blank line after the CVE line
+                    cve_insertion_point = False # Done!
+                    looking_4_buglink_insertion_point = True
+                    # We don't know at this point, if we are going to insert a BugLink
+                    # so we can't write out the current line of text.
+            # After the first blank line after the CVE lines is where the BugLinks are
+            # to be inserted.
+            #
+            if looking_4_buglink_insertion_point:
+                if line.strip() != '':
+                    looking_4_buglink_insertion_point = False
+                    buglink_insertion_point = True
+            if buglink_insertion_point:
+                # Skip past any existing BugLink lines and build a list of existing
+                # buglinks so we don't duplicate any.
+                #
+                if line.startswith('BugLink:'):
+                    bug_id = line.rstrip().split('/')[-1]
+                    existing_buglinks.append(bug_id)
+                else:
+                    # Add the buglinks.
-                    if looking_4_buglink_insertion_point:
-                        if line.strip() != '':
-                            looking_4_buglink_insertion_point = False
-                            buglink_insertion_point = True
-                    if buglink_insertion_point:
-                        # Skip past any existing BugLink lines and build a list of existing
-                        # buglinks so we don't duplicate any.
-                        #
-                        if line.startswith('BugLink:'):
-                            bug_id = line.rstrip().split('/')[-1]
-                            existing_buglinks.append(bug_id)
-                        else:
-                            # Add the buglinks.
-                            #
-                            if 'bugids' in self.cfg and len(self.cfg['bugids']) > 0:
-                                for bug_id in self.cfg['bugids']:
-                                    if bug_id not in existing_buglinks:
-                                        dst.write('BugLink: %s%s\n' % (self.cfg['buglink_base_url'], bug_id))
-                                        dst.write('\n') # One blank line after the BugLink line
-                            buglink_insertion_point = False
-                            looking_4_sob_insertion_point = True
-                            # We've inserted any BugLinks that we intend to, so we should now
-                            # print out the line of text we've been holding. We do that by falling
-                            # through to the end of the loop.
-                    # Once we've found the subject line, we look for the first blank
-                    # line after it.
-                    #
-                    if subject_line:
-                        if line.strip() == '':
-                            cve_insertion_point = True
-                            subject_line = False
-                    # All the modifications that we make, are made after the subject
-                    # line, so that's the first things we look for.
-                    #
-                    if looking_4_subject_line:
-                        if 'Subject:' in line:
-                            subject_line = True
-                            looking_4_subject_line = False
+                    if 'bugids' in self.cfg and len(self.cfg['bugids']) > 0:
+                        for bug_id in self.cfg['bugids']:
+                            if bug_id not in existing_buglinks:
+                                dst.write('BugLink: %s%s\n' % (self.cfg['buglink_base_url'], bug_id))
+                                dst.write('\n') # One blank line after the BugLink line
+                    buglink_insertion_point = False
+                    looking_4_sob_insertion_point = True
+                    # We've inserted any BugLinks that we intend to, so we should now
+                    # print out the line of text we've been holding. We do that by falling
+                    # through to the end of the loop.
+            # Once we've found the subject line, we look for the first blank
+            # line after it.
+            #
+            if subject_line:
+                if line.strip() == '':
+                    cve_insertion_point = True
+                    subject_line = False
+            # All the modifications that we make, are made after the subject
+            # line, so that's the first things we look for.
+            #
+            if looking_4_subject_line:
+                if 'Subject:' in line:
+                    subject_line = True
+                    looking_4_subject_line = False
+            dst.write(line) # Print out the current line of text.
-                    dst.write(line) # Print out the current line of text.
-                temp = dst.name
-        if not self.cfg['dry-run']:
-            rename(temp, patch)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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