Xenial HTTP Git is Broken

Grochowalski, Matthew (GE Aviation, US) MatthewS.Grochowalski at ge.com
Mon May 2 15:08:25 UTC 2016

I'm trying to clone the Xenial kernel git repository over HTTP (since I can't access git:// through the proxy I have to go  through):

This is failing due to http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git-repos/ubuntu/ubuntu-xenial.git/info/refs not existing.

According to stack overflow, someone needs to run git update-server-info on the server (adding it to the post-update hook so it happens in the future as well).

Can someone with access to the server do this please?

BTW, it would be nice if the server implemented the smart HTTP/HTTPS protocol ala github so http:// fetching would be as fast as git:// fetching.

--Matt Grochowalski

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