[PATCH][kteam-tools 1/2] apply-stable-patches: do not consider merge commits as stable candidates

Kamal Mostafa kamal at canonical.com
Wed Jan 27 19:16:52 UTC 2016

The apply-stable-patches script should not consider merge commits as
potential stable candidates, because:

(a) a merge commit shouldn't ever actually *be* a stable candidate, and

(b) when apply-stable-patches does select a merge commit (due to a regex
match in the merge commit's description), it does not apply "it"
properly anyway (it arbitrarily tries to apply the first patch in the
merge set and leaves the rest as junk 000x.patch files).

Signed-off-by: Kamal Mostafa <kamal at canonical.com>
 stable/apply-stable-patches | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/stable/apply-stable-patches b/stable/apply-stable-patches
index 0d61dc0..bd15f6e 100755
--- a/stable/apply-stable-patches
+++ b/stable/apply-stable-patches
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ class ApplyStablePatches(StdApp):
             # backported or cherry-picked
             stdo("\r%s" % (' ' * 80))
             stdo("\rLooking for stable commits inside provided range...")
-            status, result = run_command('git log --reverse --format=%%H %s'
+            status, result = run_command('git log --no-merges --reverse --format=%%H %s'
                                          % (self.cfg['range']))
             if status != 0:
                 raise GitError("\n".join(result))

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