[PATCH v2][kteam-tools] ktl: Don't treat all strings matching "#[0-9]+" as a bug numbers

Andy Whitcroft apw at canonical.com
Wed Aug 24 08:23:23 UTC 2016

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 01:10:12PM -0500, Seth Forshee wrote:
> The bug number regular expression matching correctly identifies
> lines containing launchpad bug numbers, but once such a line is
> identified it treats any string matching "#[0-9]+" as a bug
> number. For example, in this changelog entry #1 is identified as
> a bug number:
>   * [LTCTest][Opal][OP820] Machine crashed with Oops: Kernel access of bad area,
>     sig: 11 [#1] while executing Froze PE Error injection (LP: #1603449)
> As far as I can tell the format of bug strings that we need to
> match is the string "LP:" followed by whitespace, followed by one
> or more bug numbers of the format "#[0-9]+" separated by a comma
> and whitespace. This can be expressed as the following python
> regex:
>   LP:\s#[0-9]+(,\s#[0-9]+)*

That prolly should be LP:\s+ for safety, at times these are typed by
hand in some packages.

> I'm not a regex wizard, so there may be a more optimal way to
> express this regex, but it seems to work.
> Therefore this patch updates the bug number matching as follows:
>  1. Use re.finditer with the above regex (modified to use non-
>     capturing grouping) to match all groups of bug numbers on a
>     line.
>  2. Within each match, use findall to create a list of all bug
>     numbers by matching against "#([0-9]+)".
>  3. Append the list returned by re.findall directly to the bug
>     list. The list returned by re.findall will never be empty
>     since the string being searched matched the regex used in
>     (1), but even if it was appending an empty list to another
>     list is a nop.
> In my testing this matches the same set of bug numbers matched by
> the current code but does not match the #1 in the example above.
> Signed-off-by: Seth Forshee <seth.forshee at canonical.com>
> ---
>  ktl/debian.py | 14 ++++++--------
>  1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/ktl/debian.py b/ktl/debian.py
> index dd2703a..9ba2836 100644
> --- a/ktl/debian.py
> +++ b/ktl/debian.py
> @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
>  from ktl.git                            import Git, GitError
>  from ktl.utils                          import debug, dump
>  from ktl.kernel                         import Kernel
> -from re                                 import compile, findall
> +from re                                 import compile, findall, finditer
>  from os                                 import path, listdir, walk
>  # DebianError
> @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ class Debian:
>      package_rc = compile("^(linux[-\S])*.*$")
>      ver_rc     = compile("^linux[-\S]* \(([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[-\.][0-9]+\.[0-9]+[~a-z0-9]*)\).*$")
> -    bug_line_rc = compile("LP:\s#[0-9]+")
> -    bug_rc = compile("#([0-9]+)")
> +    bug_rc = compile("LP:\s#[0-9]+(?:,\s#[0-9]+)*")
> +    bug_nr_rc = compile("#([0-9]+)")
>      # debian_directories
>      #
> @@ -176,11 +176,9 @@ class Debian:
>                  bugs = []
>              else:
>                  # find bug numbers and append them to the list
> -                bug_line_matches = cls.bug_line_rc.search(line)
> -                if bug_line_matches:
> -                    bug_matches = findall(cls.bug_rc,line)
> -                    if bug_matches:
> -                        bugs.extend( bug_matches )
> +                for bug_line_match in finditer(cls.bug_rc, line):
> +                    bug_matches = findall(cls.bug_nr_rc, bug_line_match.group(0))
> +                    bugs.extend(bug_matches)
>                  content.append(line)

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