The Daily Bug Report for Saturday, 23. May 2015 22:30 UTC

brad.figg at brad.figg at
Sat May 23 23:00:02 UTC 2015

The Daily Bug Report
Saturday, 23. May 2015 22:30 UTC

The linux package acquired 4 new bugs in the last 24 hrs.

Bug       Title                                                           Series      Importance      Status           Assignee
-------   ------------------------------------------------------------    --------    ------------    -------------    ---------------------
1458174   nouveau driver does not work on G5 quad on Ubuntu 15.04         vivid       Undecided       Incomplete       Unassigned
1458186   package linux-image-2.6.32-73-generic 2.6.32-73.141 faile...    lucid       Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned
1458196   No HDMI output                                                  vivid       Medium          Incomplete       Unassigned
1458208   AR8161 ethernet stopped working after upgrade from 3.19.0...    vivid       Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned

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