Query about changes in 3.5.0-45 and related kernels

MR Mail mrmail at ratnet.org
Tue Jan 14 18:17:59 UTC 2014

Hi Andy

Just duplicating my gratitude with what's on the Bug Report....

The patched Kernels worked just fine and IBM Domino's HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, 
POP3, and LDAP process all bound fine to their restricted ports.

Many thanks for this prompt turn around... really appreciated !!!

Kind Regards
Mark Rattray

From:   Andy Whitcroft <apw at canonical.com>
To:     MR Mail <mrmail at ratnet.org>
Cc:     kernel-team at lists.ubuntu.com
Date:   14/01/2014 17:26
Subject:        Re: Query about changes in 3.5.0-45 and related kernels

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 04:14:28PM +0000, MR Mail wrote:

> I've raised Bug #1269053 and attach the strace files in a Zip and put
> a little detail in the report about what I've done to get the files.

>From the strace it looks very much like the two parts are communicating
using msg ipc which is affected (for badly written applications) by one
of the two commits I highlighted.  I have patched a kernel with a fix
for the most likely one and pushed it to the bug for testing.  If you
could try that out and let us know on the bug.

Thank you.


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