The Daily Bug Report for Saturday, 24. August 2013 05:10 UTC

brad.figg at brad.figg at
Sat Aug 24 09:59:54 UTC 2013

The Daily Bug Report
Saturday, 24. August 2013 05:10 UTC

The linux package acquired 9 new bugs in the last 24 hrs.

Bug       Title                                                           Series      Importance      Status           Assignee
-------   ------------------------------------------------------------    --------    ------------    -------------    ---------------------
1215813   [Microsoft Corporation Surface with Windows 8 Pro] suspen...    saucy       Medium          Confirmed        Unassigned
1215922   [Microsoft Corporation Surface with Windows 8 Pro] hibern...    saucy       Medium          Confirmed        Unassigned
1215977   [Bochs Bochs] suspend/resume failure                            saucy       Medium          Incomplete       Unassigned
1216006   USB32VGAE from StarTech is not working.                         raring      Medium          Incomplete       Unassigned
1216087   blocked once more                                               raring      Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned
1216107   same story                                                      raring      Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned
1216121   once more blocked                                               raring      Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned
1216172   [Sony Corporation VPCYB25AB] suspend/resume failure             saucy       Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned
1216186   Elantech touchpad moves and clicks by itself                    saucy       Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned

An online version of this report can be found at:

The Top 10 Hot List Bugs (based on bug heat)

Bug       Title                                                           Series      Importance      Status           Heat     Assignee
-------   ------------------------------------------------------------    --------    ------------    -------------    -----    ---------------------
1201470   8086:0085 Intel wireless microcode driver failure in Sauc...    saucy       High            Confirmed        10       Unknown

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