poll/sendmsg problem with 3.5.0-37-generic #58~precise1-Ubuntu

Luis Henriques luis.henriques at canonical.com
Tue Aug 13 13:52:32 UTC 2013

Sage Weil <sage at inktank.com> writes:

> Hi,
> A ceph user hit a problem with the 3.5 precise kernel with symptoms 
> exactly like an old poll(2) bug[1].  Basically, one end of a socket is 
> blocked on sendmsg(2), and the other end is blocked on poll(2) waiting for 
> data.  15 minutes later the poll(2) timeout triggers, we reset the 
> connection, and ceph recovers and continues.  (For this user, the visible 
> ceph symptoms were stuck peering, stuck recovery, or hung requests that 
> *eventually* cleared themselves up.)
> In this case, it doesn't look like the 3.5.0-37 kernel has the old 
> problematic patch (which first appeared in 3.6-rc1 and was fixed before 
> 3.6 was released), but we see the exact same behavior (blocked writer, 
> blocked reader/poller, but netstat showing bytes available on the socket), 
> and upgrading the kernel to the current 3.8 precise package resolved the 
> problem.  The 3.5 ubuntu kernel does have a few sendmsg patches[2] that 
> (under the circumstances) appear suspicious.
> The one other detail in this case is that it seemed to only crop up 
> connections involving one node in the system.
> I'm not sure where to go from here, since the user is happy to now have a 
> working system, and I'm not sure if it is worth spending the time to 
> reproduce the issue.  It might be simpler to just recommend users move off 
> the 3.5 kernel.  In the meantime, though, I wanted to at least make 
> everyone aware of the (potential) problem.
> sage
> [1] http://marc.info/?l=ceph-devel&m=134540224811321&w=2
> [2] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-quantal/3.5.0-37.58~precise1

I believe the suspicious commits you're referring to in the Quantal
kernel are:

1be374a net: Block MSG_CMSG_COMPAT in send(m)msg and recv(m)msg
a7526eb net: Unbreak compat_sys_{send,recv}msg

Both of these commits came in through upstream stable updates and are
clean cherry-picks.  All the upstream stable kernels seem to contain

[ Note however that most of the stable kernels have squashed these 2
  commits in a single commit. ]

This means that, if you're correct, it is likely that the Raring
kernel will also have this issue: 3.8.0-27.40 Raring kernel has these
2 commits as well.  Could you please confirm the user that reported
this issue is running this kernel (or later)?


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