Quantal: End of the line for i386 non-PAE

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com
Mon May 14 17:00:26 UTC 2012

On 05/08/2012 09:49 AM, Tim Gardner wrote:
> On 05/08/2012 08:13 AM, Phillip Susi wrote:
>> On 5/2/2012 10:57 AM, Tim Gardner wrote:
>>> Any ideas on how we might allow PAE capable CPUs to upgrade? Is this the
>>> job of update-manager ? It seems likely that Debian must have
>>> encountered this issue before.
>> With a Replaces: line in the control file of the new kernel?
> The suggestion offered yesterday in the kernel flavours session was to
> add a pre-install hook in the meta package to determine if the CPU was
> PAE capable, and to stop the upgrade if not.
> rtg

And here it is...
Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com
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