[Applied]: Ack: [Quantal][SRU] Updated i915 driver for HSW support

Leann Ogasawara leann.ogasawara at canonical.com
Tue Dec 4 00:50:09 UTC 2012

Applied to Quantal master-next.


On 12/03/2012 01:33 PM, Brad Figg wrote:
> On 12/03/2012 06:36 AM, Tim Gardner wrote:
>> On 12/01/2012 12:13 AM, Leann Ogasawara wrote:
>>> BugLink: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1085245
>> <snip>
>>> Given this set of patches should be well contained and really only
>>> affect Haswell hardware, I propose we try and pull it in for the
>>> upcoming Quantal kernel SRU cycle.  It will allow us to ensure we see no
>>> regressions on non-Haswell hardware but also allow us to start more
>>> widespread testing against the Haswell hardware we do have access to.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Leann
>> Initially I was quite conflicted about this patch set because its a bit difficult to asses the impact on existing platforms. Obviously we can't regress Haswell GPUs (because they currently don't work at all), but I was a bit concerned about regression
>> potential for non-Haswell GPUs. I think the best way to look at this patch set is from the perspective of what has been changed in the core kernel, e.g., simply ignore Haswell specific code. You can see what has changed in the main kernel by looking at it
>> thus (after applying all of the Haswell patches on top of 'Linux' :
>> git log --reverse -p d45afedb9671c093e8c185da7dc84a0dc9697e91..HEAD -- drivers/gpu/
>> With the exception of the patch that creates drivers/gpu/drm/drm_mm_hsw.c, everything else is a (mostly) benign addition or a bonafide bug fix. Perhaps for clarity drm_mm_hsw.c could be moved under the ubuntu directory?
>> In general, maintenance of the drm patches are going to be a giant pain in the ass simply because _anything_ having to do with Haswell won't be considered stable material by upstream (patches from 3.8), so we're gonna have to keep an eye out for drm
>> patches that are applicable to our bastardized pile.
>> Have you considered dropping the whole drm stack from hsw-backport-3.6 into the ubuntu directory with name space isolation ? Since its pretty close to what'll end up in 3.8, it might make maintenance simpler since we can relatively easily groom drm and
>> Haswell GPU patches from 3.8 and subsequent stable updates. We could also isolate changes from LTS Quantal by turning off the config option.
>> I guess I'm OK with this patch set, but I would like to hear from the stable team.
>> rtg
> The entire team reviewed this branch and are happy with it. I installed this on a
> non-Haswell system and it didn't regress and then moved the drive to my Haswell
> system and it worked well with VGA.
> This has my Ack.

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