Ack: Re: [Oneiric][SRU][PATCH 0/1] Bug #974664 - Issue with ite_cir drive

Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski herton.krzesinski at
Thu Apr 19 14:32:30 UTC 2012

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 03:22:23PM +0100, Luis Henriques wrote:
> BugLink:
> == Oneiric SRU Justification ==
> A bug in the upstream ite_cir driver has been triggered recently on Oneiric
> kernels, causing some systems (in particular Dell XPS 1340) to crash during
> boot.
> The problem is related to an early registration of an ISR during the device
> probe process.  This caused IRQs to be served before the driver initialisation
> had been completed.
> == Fix ==
> Moving the invocation of request_irq() later in the probe solved the problem.

Ack, since the move after itdev->params.init_hardware should ensure that
no IRQs come in (init_hardware callback looking at the code should
ensure hardware is initialized make sure interrupts are disabled, but
before it seems an undefined state). I believe the key point here is
moving after init_hardware is safe, since it initializes the hardware
with interrupts disabled.

Is this already upstream? The fix should be sent, with Cc: stable.

> == Impact ==
> There are several users reporting the crash in their system while booting with
> recent Oneiric kernels.
> == Test Case ==
> Just booting triggers the problem.
> Luis Henriques (1):
>   ite-cir: postpone ISR registration
>  drivers/media/rc/ite-cir.c |    8 ++++----
>  1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
> -- 
> -- 
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