Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting Minutes - 2011-09-27

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com
Tue Sep 27 18:45:05 UTC 2011

= Meeting Minutes =
[[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/09/27/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt|IRC Log of the meeting.]]
[[http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam|Meeting minutes.]]

== Agenda ==
[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting#Tues, 27 Sep, 2011|20110927 Meeting Agenda]]

=== ARM Status  ===
Various arm kernel flavours: nothing new this week.
Oneiric/ti-omap4: lp844099 ("System fails to acknowledge changing of SD"), found the problem, wrote a tentative patch and it worked. Sent a test kernel.
Oneiric/tegra: new community kernel (2.5.38-ac100-1000) with working sound and suspend/resume (at least on Toshiba AC100).

=== Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs  ===
==== oneiric nominated bugs ====
  * 37 linux kernel bugs (up 17)
==== Ubuntu ubuntu-11.10 bugs ====
  * 3 linux kernel bugs (up 3)
==== <series>-updates bugs ====
  * 0 oneiric linux kernel bugs (no change 0)
  * 15 natty linux kernel bugs (no change 0)
  * 3 maverick linux kernel bugs (no change 0)
  * 7 lucid linux kernel bugs (no change 0)
  * 0 hardy linux kernel bugs (no change 0)
=== Incoming Bugs ===
  * 255 oneiric bugs (up 34)
  * 1643 natty bugs (up 25)
  * 1107 maverick bugs (down 3)
  * 992 lucid bugs (down 18)
  * 46 hardy bugs (no change 0)
=== Regressions ===
==== regression-update bugs ====
  * 0 oneiric bugs (no change 0)
  * 17 natty bugs (no change 0)
  * 40 maverick bugs (no change 0)
  * 76 lucid bugs (down 3)
  * 0 hardy bugs (no change 0)
==== regression-release bugs ====
  * 8 oneiric bugs (up 1)
  * 431 natty bugs (down 2)
  * 237 maverick bugs (down 2)
  * 208 lucid bugs (down 5)
  * 2 hardy bugs (no change 0)
==== regression-proposed bugs ====
  * 0 oneiric bugs (no change 0)
  * 4 natty bugs (no change 0)
  * 0 maverick bugs (no change 0)
  * 2 lucid bugs (up 1)
  * 0 hardy bugs (no change 0)

===  Milstone Targeted Work Items ===
|| apw       || desktop-o-xorg-stakeholders-request || 1 work item ||
||           || other-kernel-o-ubuntu-delta-review  || 1 work item ||
|| ppisati   || other-kernel-o-ubuntu-delta-review  || 1 work item ||
||           || other-kernel-o-config-review        || 1 work item ||
If your name is in the table above, please review your final Oneiric work items.

=== Status: General Oneiric  ===
We uploaded the 3.0.0-12.19 Ubuntu kernel last friday.  We are nearing Final Freeze for Oneiric this Thurs, Sept 29.  Only high/critical issues which are deemed necessary for the release will warrant an upload at this time.  Because we are in Kernel 
Freeze, all patches are subject to our SRU policy in order to be applied.
Some important upcoming dates to keep in mind are as follows:
  * Sept 29 - Final Freeze (2 days)
  *  Oct  6 - Release Candidate (~1 week)
  *  Oct 13 - Final Release (~2 weeks)
I would also like to note that the P-series git repo has been rebased to v3.1-rc7 and is available on the master-next branch at git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-p.git .

=== Status: CVE's  ===
Currently open CVEs for each supported branch:
|| Package                                  || Open      ||
||                                          ||           ||
|| linux Hardy                              ||    5 (-1) ||
|| linux Lucid                              ||    2 (-1) ||
|| linux Maverick                           ||    2 (-1) ||
|| linux Natty                              ||    2 (-1) ||
|| linux Oneiric                            ||    2 (--) ||
|| linux-ec2 Lucid                          ||    2 (-1) ||
|| linux-fsl-imx51 Lucid                    ||    2 (-1) ||
|| linux-mvl-dove Lucid                     ||    2 (-1) ||
|| linux-mvl-dove Maverick                  ||    2 (-1) ||
|| linux-ti-omap4 Maverick                  ||    2 (-1) ||
|| linux-ti-omap4 Natty                     ||    2 (-1) ||
|| linux-ti-omap4 Oneiric                   ||    2 (--) ||
|| linux-lts-backport-maverick Lucid        ||    2 (-1) ||
|| linux-lts-backport-natty Lucid           ||    2 (-1) ||
One additional CVE was added this week and all CVEs with fixes are now closed out.  We have referred two of the Hardy CVEs which have very large patch stacks back to the security team for review.

=== Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates - Natty/Maverick/Lucid/Hardy  ===
==== Status of kernels ====

  An i915 graphics regression was discovered in Natty which was released in -updates.
  The offending patch has been identified and will be reverted in the next Natty
  kernel. Work is under way with upstream to come up with a new fix to add external
  monitor plug support without regressions. The bugs open for this regression are:
  * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/838181|External monitor connected trough . . .]]
  * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/814325|fuzzy and corrupted display after dpms cycles]]

  SRU kernel status:
  * [[http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kernel-sru-workflow.html|Kernel SRU Workflow Status]]
  * [[http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/sru-report.html|Detailed Information Here]]

  Kernel status for each series is as follows:

===== Hardy =====
  * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/853945|Hardy Tracking Bug]]
  * Currently undergoing regression testing

===== Lucid =====
  * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/849228|Lucid Tracking Bug]]
  * Awaiting publishing to -updates and -security

===== Maverick =====
  * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/854092|Maverick Tracking Bug]]
  * In testing Phase. Undergoing regression testing, needs Certification testing

===== Natty =====
  * In preparation, should be in Verification phase by the end of this week

  Current Kernel versions are available here: http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/versions.html

=== Open Discussion or Questions ===
Nothing this week
Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com

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