Just when you thought 2.6 would go on forever...

Leann Ogasawara leann.ogasawara at canonical.com
Mon May 30 19:17:58 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 09:57 +0200, Stefan Bader wrote:
> On 30.05.2011 09:41, Stefan Bader wrote:
> > not sure all have heard about the voices in Linus' head[1] but obviously the
> > newest tag is v3.0-rc1... Script hell opens up... :-P
> >
> > -Stefan
> >
> > [1] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel.mm/63589
> >
> And as a side note from Colin Watson:
> "so regarding 3.0; the kernel team knows that 3.0.0 < 3.0 as far as dpkg is 
> concerned, right?  we'll need to be careful when uploading the RCs ..."

Just for clarification, cjwatson meant to say "3.0.0 > 3.0"

[11:58:51] <ogasawara> May 30 05/30/11:00:51:00 <cjwatson>     hmm, so regarding 3.0; the kernel team knows that 3.0.0 < 3.0 as far as dpkg is concerned, right?  we'll need to be careful when uploading the RCs ...
[11:58:55] <ogasawara> cjwatson: ^^
[11:59:32] <ogasawara> cjwatson: I just want to make sure I have it clear in my head, 3.0.0 > 3.0 
[12:00:29] * ogasawara plans to discuss our versioning with apw tomorrow
[12:12:20] <cjwatson> I'm sorry, I did mean > in the line you quoted above
[12:12:43] <cjwatson> i.e. that if you upload 3.0.0-1 (say) then you can't subsequently upload 3.0-1
[12:12:51] <cjwatson> or 3.0-1000 for that matter
[12:13:16] <ogasawara> cjwatson: right, that makes sense to me
[12:13:44] <cjwatson> just jumped out at me as a really easy way to shoot oneself in the foot in this situation
[12:14:01] <ogasawara> cjwatson: indeed

> "you can use 3.0~3.0.0-<whatever> or similar..."

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