[Natty] [ti-omap4] [Pull-request]: Enable HDMI audio

Bryan Wu bryan.wu at canonical.com
Fri Mar 25 15:42:28 UTC 2011


 Please find the branch here:
       git://kernel.ubuntu.com/roc/ubuntu-natty.git ti-omap4
which contains latest patches to enable HDMI audio for TI OMAP4:

Andy Green (1):
  updevel defconfig enable hdmi audio

Bryan Wu (4):
  UBUNTU: Start new release
  UBUNTU: [Config] Enable HDMI audio
  UBUNTU: Ubuntu-2.6.38-1207.10

Ricardo Neri (16):
  OMAP4: DSS2: HDMI: Add enums and structures for audio
  OMAP4: DSS2: HDMI: Add functionality for audio configuration
  OMAP4: DSS2: HDMI: Implement ASoC Codec driver for HDMI audio
  OMAP4: HDMI: Add device for HDMI audio interface to OMAP4 SDP
  OMAP4: HDMI: Add device for HDMI audio interface to OMAP4 PANDA
  ARM: OMAP4: Add base of DSS HDMI L3 interconnect
  ASoC: OMAP4: Remove old HDMI DAI implementation
  ASoC: OMAP: Add CPU DAI driver for HDMI
  ASoC: OMAP4: Remove old HDMI CPU DAI header
  ASoC: OMAP: Add header for HDMI CPU DAI
  ASoC: OMAP4: Add Machine driver for HDMI for SDP and Panda
  ASoC: OMAP: Update Makefile and Kconfig for HDMI audio
  ASoC: OMAP4: Remove HDMI CPU DAI from SDP4430 machine driver
  ASoC: OMAP: Add platform_device ID to SDP4430 machine driver
  ASoC: OMAP: Relocate BUFFER_BYTES constraint to ABE
  omap4: enable HDMI audio

 arch/arm/configs/omap4_defconfig                   |   16 +-
 arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-4430sdp.c                |    6 +
 arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap4panda.c             |    7 +
 arch/arm/plat-omap/include/plat/omap44xx.h         |    1 +
 debian.ti-omap4/abi/2.6.38-1206.8/armel/omap4      | 8334
 .../abi/2.6.38-1206.8/armel/omap4.modules          | 1416 ----
 debian.ti-omap4/abi/2.6.38-1206.9/armel/omap4      | 8372
 .../abi/2.6.38-1206.9/armel/omap4.modules          | 1416 ++++
 debian.ti-omap4/changelog                          |   28 +
 debian.ti-omap4/config/config.common.ubuntu        |    3 +-
 drivers/video/omap2/dss/hdmi.c                     |  391 +
 drivers/video/omap2/dss/hdmi.h                     |  222 +-
 sound/soc/omap/Kconfig                             |   14 +-
 sound/soc/omap/Makefile                            |    2 +
 sound/soc/omap/omap-abe.c                          |    6 +
 sound/soc/omap/omap-hdmi.c                         |  243 +-
 sound/soc/omap/omap-hdmi.h                         |   19 +-
 sound/soc/omap/omap-pcm.c                          |   10 -
 sound/soc/omap/omap4-hdmi-card.c                   |   89 +
 sound/soc/omap/sdp4430.c                           |   21 +-
 20 files changed, 10609 insertions(+), 10007 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 debian.ti-omap4/abi/2.6.38-1206.8/armel/ignore
 delete mode 100644 debian.ti-omap4/abi/2.6.38-1206.8/armel/ignore.modules
 delete mode 100644 debian.ti-omap4/abi/2.6.38-1206.8/armel/omap4
 delete mode 100644 debian.ti-omap4/abi/2.6.38-1206.8/armel/omap4.modules
 create mode 100644 debian.ti-omap4/abi/2.6.38-1206.9/armel/omap4
 create mode 100644 debian.ti-omap4/abi/2.6.38-1206.9/armel/omap4.modules
 create mode 100644 sound/soc/omap/omap4-hdmi-card.c

I put my prebuilt binary kernel package here and also test building kernel
from schroot in our build server. Sorry for missing those ABI and module
ignore files in 1206.8 upload.

Bryan Wu <bryan.wu at canonical.com>
Kernel Developer    +86.138-1617-6545 Mobile
Ubuntu Kernel Team
Canonical Ltd.      www.canonical.com
Ubuntu - Linux for human beings | www.ubuntu.com
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