BuildYourOwnKernel wiki edit?

Kamal Mostafa kamal at
Sat Mar 19 16:28:59 UTC 2011

Hi folks-

Proposed wiki page edits... recommends the

        fakeroot debian/rules clean
        fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic

Now, I *always* also build 'binary-headers' since it is quick and often
necessary (right?).  Is there any reason why we shouldn't change that
wiki to recommend building 'binary-headers' also?:

        fakeroot debian/rules clean
        fakeroot debian/rules binary-headers binary-generic

I also propose making the Testing section explicitly state that you
should always install all three resulting .debs together:

        dpkg -i  \
                linux-headers-2.6.38-6_2.6.38-6.34_all.deb  \
                linux-headers-2.6.38-6-generic_2.6.38-6.34_amd64.deb  \


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