Kernel Crash Dumps

Peter M. Petrakis peter.petrakis at
Thu Mar 3 22:29:17 UTC 2011

On 03/03/2011 04:46 PM, Brian Murray wrote:
> In reviewing the kernel debugging documentation I came across the
> instructions for saving a crash dump for a kernel panic[1].  I tried
> following them and I'm unable to generate a crash dump.  Additionally,
> that page hadn't been touched in quite some time.  I've also found a bug
> report[2] about another person having an issue getting crash dumps.
> So my question is - is there something wrong with the documentation?
> the crash dump process? or me?

It's not you, the system has to be rebooted first. The older
versions of the instructions say to reboot, but the 10.04
ones don't and neither does the "just install this package"
line at the top of the page.

This may have also been fixed in the meantime, I noticed
that /var/crash isn't being created, make sure that exists
after the reboot.


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