[ubuntu-in] Fwd: Need Support For Latest Hardware?

Vivek Khurana hiddenharmony at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 16:00:02 UTC 2011

> But if they are true, then this means any of linux distro can't support my
> hardware. So we have to design such kernel that supports all the hardwares &
> architectures. Can we design this kind of kernel? it doesn't matters what
> the problem is, may be it is nvidia's optimus drivers that they have not
> given to add in Linux kernel or any architecture problem that is not
> supported by Linux. the main thing is that Linux Doesn't have solution for
> both problem. It applies to all Distros. So can open source programmers
> design such kernel or not ? Or i haave to wait for next 10 years to use
> Linux on my Laptop.

 There had been a discussion on optimus drivers on other mailing
lists. The problem is optimus will require a patch to x.org and nvidia
is not willing to patch and maintain the patch.


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