Problem with acpi events

Ekoore info at
Tue Jan 25 22:43:10 UTC 2011

Dear Sirs,

after a conversation with JFo, in the irc channel #ubuntu-kernel, i 
write of my broblem in this maling list.

In our new device, we have a small problem caused by the internal 
accelerometer, the problem is with an event of acpi. When i rotate our 
device, the screen power-off. I can solve writing this comand: "*echo 
disable > /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe11*" in the file 
"*/etc/rc.local*". In this mode, i solve the problem, but the command is 
executed to the end of the boot sequence. If i rotate the device during 
the boot sequence, i have the poweroff of the screen.
Is possible disable the interrupts gpe11 directly in the kernel source? 
or is possible disable it (only gpe11) from grub? or exec the comand for 
disable it to the start of boot sequence?

Thank you for your support. Best regards, Massimo!

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