maverick : where should I send the patches ?

Andy Whitcroft apw at
Tue Sep 7 08:12:51 UTC 2010

On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 11:14:06PM +0200, Daniel Lezcano wrote:
> Hi guys !
> I am playing with the ubuntu-maverick kernel for an arm architecture 
> versatiblepb.
> I have some patches to fix compilation warnings.
> These warnings may be not related to this kernel version or this 
> architecture.
> I was wondering where to send them ? Shall I send them to the ubuntu 
> team and let them dispatch the modifications to the upstream kernel (if 
> that makes sense) ? Or shall I identify the right kernel tree and send 
> to its maintainer.

Normally we suggest you pass them directly to upstream, in the main as
that gets you the recognition for the work more clearly.  If you cannot
identify the where we can cirtainly help you find the right place.


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